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beginBatchEdit() - function in android.widget.GifTextView
Beta - class in pl.droidsonroids.gif.annotations
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
bringPointIntoView(int) - function in android.widget.GifTextView
bringToFront() - function in android.view.GifTextView
bringToFront() - function in android.view.GifImageView
bringToFront() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
bringToFront() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
build() - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableInit
Appropriate constructor wrapper.
build() - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableBuilder
Appropriate constructor wrapper.
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.GifTextView
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.GifImageView
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
buildLayer() - function in android.view.GifTextView
buildLayer() - function in android.view.GifImageView
buildLayer() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
buildLayer() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
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