
Class GifDrawable

    • Constructor Detail

      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(Resources res, int id)
        Creates drawable from resource.
        res - Resources to read from
        id - resource id (raw or drawable)
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(AssetManager assets, String assetName)
        Creates drawable from asset.
        assets - AssetManager to read from
        assetName - name of the asset
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(String filePath)
        Constructs drawable from given file path.
        filePath - path to the GIF file
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(File file)
        Equivalent to {@code} GifDrawable(file.
        file - the GIF file
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(InputStream stream)
        Creates drawable from InputStream.InputStream must support marking, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown otherwise.
        stream - stream to read from
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(AssetFileDescriptor afd)
        Creates drawable from AssetFileDescriptor.
        afd - source
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(FileDescriptor fd)
        Creates drawable from FileDescriptor
        fd - source
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(Array<byte> bytes)
        Creates drawable from byte array.
        bytes - raw GIF bytes
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Creates drawable from ByteBuffer.
        buffer - buffer containing GIF data
      • GifDrawable

        GifDrawable(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri)
        Creates drawable from which is resolved using {@code resolver}.
        resolver - resolver used to query {@code uri}, can be null for file:// scheme Uris
        uri - GIF Uri, cannot be null.
    • Method Detail

      • recycle

         void recycle()

        Frees any memory allocated native way.Operation is irreversible. After this call, nothing will be drawn.This method is idempotent, subsequent calls have no effect.Like recycle this is an advanced call andis invoked implicitly by finalizer.

      • start

         void start()

        Starts the animation. Does nothing if GIF is not animated.This method is thread-safe.

      • reset

         void reset()

        Causes the animation to start over.If rewinding input source fails then state is not affected.This method is thread-safe.

      • stop

         void stop()

        Stops the animation. Does nothing if GIF is not animated.This method is thread-safe.

      • getLoopCount

         int getLoopCount()

        Returns loop count previously read from GIF's application extension block.Defaults to 1 if there is no such extension.

      • setLoopCount

         void setLoopCount(@IntRange(from = 0, to = Character.MAX_VALUE) int loopCount)

        Sets loop count of the animation. Loop count must be in range {@code <0 ,65535>}

        loopCount - loop count, 0 means infinity
      • setSpeed

         void setSpeed(@FloatRange(from = 0, fromInclusive = false) float factor)

        Sets new animation speed factor.Note: If animation is in progress (draw) was already called)then effects will be visible starting from the next frame. Duration of the currently renderedframe is not affected.

        factor - new speed factor, eg.
      • getDuration

         int getDuration()

        Retrieves duration of one loop of the animation.If there is no data (no Graphics Control Extension blocks) 0 is returned.Note that one-frame GIFs can have non-zero duration defined in Graphics Control Extension block,use getNumberOfFrames to determine if there is one or more frames.

      • getCurrentPosition

         int getCurrentPosition()

        Retrieves elapsed time from the beginning of a current loop of animation.If there is only 1 frame or drawable is recycled 0 is returned.

      • seekTo

         void seekTo(@IntRange(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int position)

        Seeks animation to given absolute position (within given loop) and refreshes the canvas.If position is greater than duration of the loop of animation (or whole animation if there is no loop)then animation will be sought to the end, no exception will be thrown.NOTE: all frames from current (or first one if seeking backward) to desired one must be rendered sequentially to perform seeking.It may take a lot of time if number of such frames is large.Method is thread-safe. Decoding is performed in background thread and drawable is invalidated automaticallyafterwards.

        position - position to seek to in milliseconds
      • seekToFrame

         void seekToFrame(@IntRange(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int frameIndex)

        Like seekTo but uses index of the frame instead of time.If frameIndex exceeds number of frames, seek stops at the end, no exception is thrown.

        frameIndex - index of the frame to seek to (zero based)
      • getBufferPercentage

         int getBufferPercentage()

        Used by MediaPlayer for secondary progress bars.There is no buffer in GifDrawable, so buffer is assumed to be always full.

      • canPause

         boolean canPause()

        Checks whether pause is supported.

      • canSeekBackward

         boolean canSeekBackward()

        Checks whether seeking backward can be performed.

      • canSeekForward

         boolean canSeekForward()

        Checks whether seeking forward can be performed.

      • getAudioSessionId

         int getAudioSessionId()

        Used by MediaPlayer.GIFs contain no sound, so 0 is always returned.

      • getFrameByteCount

         int getFrameByteCount()

        Returns the minimum number of bytes that can be used to store pixels of the single frame.Returned value is the same for all the frames since it is based on the size of GIF screen.

        This method should not be used to calculate the memory usage of the bitmap.Instead see getAllocationByteCount.

      • getAllocationByteCount

         long getAllocationByteCount()

        Returns size of the memory needed to store pixels of this object. It counts possible length of all frame buffers.Returned value may be lower than amount of actually allocated memory if GIF uses dispose to previous method but frame requiring ithas never been needed yet. Returned value does not change during runtime.

      • getMetadataAllocationByteCount

         long getMetadataAllocationByteCount()

        Returns the maximum possible size of the allocated memory used to store pixels and metadata of this object.It counts length of all frame buffers. Returned value does not change over time.

      • getInputSourceByteCount

         long getInputSourceByteCount()

        Returns length of the input source obtained at the opening time or -1 iflength cannot be determined. Returned value does not change during runtime.If GifDrawable is constructed from InputStream -1 is always returned.In case of byte array and ByteBuffer length is always known.In other cases length -1 can be returned if length cannot be determined.

      • getPixels

         void getPixels(@NonNull() Array<int> pixels)

        Returns in pixels[] a copy of the data in the current frame. Each value is a packed int representing a Color.

        pixels - the array to receive the frame's colors
      • getPixel

         int getPixel(@IntRange(from = 0) int x, @IntRange(from = 0) int y)

        Returns the Color at the specified location. Throws an exceptionif x or y are out of bounds (negative or >= to the width or heightrespectively). The returned color is a non-premultiplied ARGB value.

        x - The x coordinate (0...
        y - The y coordinate (0...
      • draw

         void draw(@NonNull() Canvas canvas)

        Reads and renders new frame if needed then draws last rendered frame.

        canvas - canvas to draw into
      • setVisible

         boolean setVisible(boolean visible, boolean restart)

        Sets whether this drawable is visible. If rendering of next frame is scheduled on draw current one (the default) then this methodonly calls through to the super class's implementation.Otherwise (if setRenderingTriggeredOnDraw was used with true)when the drawable becomes invisible, it will pause its animation. Asubsequent change to visible with restart set to true willrestart the animation from the first frame. If restart isfalse, the animation will resume from the most recent frame.

        visible - true if visible, false otherwise
        restart - when visible and rendering is triggered on draw, true to force the animation to restartfrom the first frame
      • getCurrentFrameIndex

         int getCurrentFrameIndex()

        Returns zero-based index of recently rendered frame in given loop or -1 when drawable is recycled.

      • getCurrentLoop

         int getCurrentLoop()

        Returns zero-based index of currently played animation loop. If animation is infinite ordrawable is recycled 0 is returned.

      • isAnimationCompleted

         boolean isAnimationCompleted()

        Returns whether all animation loops has ended. If drawable is recycled false is returned.

      • getFrameDuration

         int getFrameDuration(@IntRange(from = 0) int index)

        Returns duration of the given frame (in milliseconds). If there is no data (no GraphicsControl Extension blocks or drawable is recycled) 0 is returned.

        index - index of the frame
      • setCornerRadius

         void setCornerRadius(@FloatRange(from = 0) float cornerRadius)

        Sets the corner radius to be applied when drawing the bitmap.Note that changing corner radius will cause replacing current Paint shader by BitmapShader.Transform set by setTransform will also be replaced.

        cornerRadius - corner radius or 0 to remove rounding