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addBucket() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer
Adds a new empty bucket at the end of this buffer.
awaitCompletion() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
equivalent to awaitCompletion(0l).
awaitCompletion(long) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
Awaits up to timeoutMillis for the response to be completed with BlockingResponseObserver.onCompleted().


BlockingResponseObserver<T> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils
Response observer for a client side that blocks until response is completed with either onCompleted() or onError(error).
BlockingResponseObserver(BlockingResponseObserver.ResponseHandler<T>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
BlockingResponseObserver.ResponseHandler<T> - Interface in pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils


close() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.Bucket
Marks this bucket as closed.
close() - Method in interface pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.OutputStream
ConcurrentRequestObserver<RequestT,​ResponseT> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils
A request StreamObserver for bi-di streaming methods that dispatch work to other threads and don't need to preserve order of responses.
ConcurrentRequestObserver(StreamObserver<ResponseT>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.ConcurrentRequestObserver
Creates an observer and enables manual flow control to maintain the desired concurrency level while also preventing excessive buffering of response messages.


getError() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
GrpcServerFlow - Class in pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils
A very simplified overview of gRPC server flow:

A ServerCallHandler for a given method is created, depending on client type either ServerCalls.StreamingServerCallHandler or ServerCalls.UnaryServerCallHandler (ie: Streaming / Unary prefix refers to client's type (Server refers to Call), naming scheme here is not intuitive...).
When a call is received ServerCallHandler.startCall(ServerCall, Metadata) is called in intercepter chain, which returns a ServerCall.Listener, respectively either ServerCalls.StreamingServerCallHandler.StreamingServerCallListener or ServerCalls.UnaryServerCallHandler.UnaryServerCallListener.

Streaming client flow:

ServerCalls.StreamingServerCallHandler#startCall(ServerCall, Metadata) calls ServerCalls.StreamingRequestMethod#invoke(StreamObserver) which calls user's code to obtain request StreamObserver, which is then passed to constructor of ServerCalls.StreamingServerCallHandler.StreamingServerCallListener.
GrpcServerFlow() - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.GrpcServerFlow


isCompleted() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver


onCompleted() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
onCompleted() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.ConcurrentRequestObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
onNext(RequestT) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.ConcurrentRequestObserver
onNext(T) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver
onRequest(RequestT, StreamObserver<ResponseT>) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.ConcurrentRequestObserver
Produces response messages to a given requestMessage and submits them to the responseObserver (associated with the given requestMessage).
Work may be freely dispatched to several other threads.
onResponse(T) - Method in interface pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils.BlockingResponseObserver.ResponseHandler
OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer<MessageT> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.utils
Buffers messages until all of those that should be written before to the output are available, so that they all can be written in the correct order.
OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer(OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.OutputStream<MessageT>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer
OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.Bucket - Class in pl.morgwai.base.utils
A list of messages that will have a well defined position relatively to other buckets within the output stream.
OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.OutputStream<MessageT> - Interface in pl.morgwai.base.utils


pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils - package pl.morgwai.base.grpc.utils
pl.morgwai.base.utils - package pl.morgwai.base.utils


signalNoMoreBuckets() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer
Indicates that no more new buckets will be added.


write(MessageT) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.Bucket
Appends message to the end of this bucket.
write(MessageT) - Method in interface pl.morgwai.base.utils.OrderedConcurrentOutputBuffer.OutputStream
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