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awaitTermination() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor


ContextScope<CtxT extends TrackableContext<CtxT>> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
Scopes objects to a context obtained from the associated ContextTracker.
ContextScope(String, ContextTracker<CtxT>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextScope
ContextTracker<CtxT extends TrackableContext<CtxT>> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
Allows to track which server-side call is handled by which thread.
ContextTracker() - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTracker
ContextTrackingExecutor - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
An executor that automatically updates which thread runs within which TrackableContext when executing a task.
ContextTrackingExecutor(String, int, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, ThreadFactory, List<ContextTracker<?>>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Constructs an instance backed by a new fixed size ThreadPoolExecutor.
ContextTrackingExecutor(String, int, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, List<ContextTracker<?>>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Constructs an instance backed by a new fixed size ThreadPoolExecutor that uses a NamedThreadFactory.
ContextTrackingExecutor(String, int, List<ContextTracker<?>>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Constructs an instance backed by a new fixed size ThreadPoolExecutor that uses a NamedThreadFactory and an unbound LinkedBlockingQueue.
ContextTrackingExecutor(String, ExecutorService, int, List<ContextTracker<?>>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Constructs an instance backed by backingExecutor.
ContextTrackingExecutor.NamedThreadFactory - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
A thread factory that names new threads based on its own name.


enforceTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Awaits up to timeoutMillis for termination and if executor fails to do so either due to timeout or interrupt ContextTrackingExecutor.shutdownNow() is called.
Logs outcome to Logger named after this class.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Executes task within all contexts that were active when this method was called.
execute(Callable<T>) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Convenience method to execute a Callable.
executeWithinAll(List<TrackableContext<?>>, Runnable) - Static method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Executes operation on the current thread within all contexts.
executeWithinAll(List<TrackableContext<?>>, Callable<T>) - Static method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Executes operation on the current thread within all contexts.
executeWithinSelf(Runnable) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.TrackableContext
Sets itself as the current context for the current thread and executes operation synchronously.
executeWithinSelf(Callable<T>) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.TrackableContext
Sets itself as the current context for the current thread and executes operation synchronously.


getActiveContexts(List<ContextTracker<?>>) - Static method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
Retrieves all active contexts from trackers.
getContext() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextScope
getContext() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.InducedContextScope
getCurrentContext() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTracker
Returns context which the calling thread is running within.
getName() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextScope
getName() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
getPoolSize() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor


InducedContextScope<InducingCtxT extends TrackableContext<InducingCtxT>,​InducedCtxT extends ServerSideContext> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
Scopes object to a context induced by another context obtained from the associated ContextTracker.
InducedContextScope(String, ContextTracker<InducingCtxT>, Function<InducingCtxT, InducedCtxT>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.InducedContextScope
isShutdown() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
isTerminated() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor


log - Static variable in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor


NamedThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor.NamedThreadFactory
Constructs a factory that will assign Thread.NORM_PRIORITY to created threads.
NamedThreadFactory(String, int) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor.NamedThreadFactory
Constructs a factory that will assign priority to created threads.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor.NamedThreadFactory
Creates a new thread named <thisFactoryName>-thread-<sequenceNumber>.


PARENT_THREAD_GROUP_NAME - Static variable in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor.NamedThreadFactory
Name of the parent of all thread groups associated with ContextTrackingExecutor instances.
pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes - package pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
Classes for building Guice scopes, that get automatically transferred when dispatching work to other threads.


removeScopedObject(Key<?>) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ServerSideContext
Removes the object given by key from this context.


scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextScope
ServerSideContext - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
Stores objects scoped to some server-side processing/call, such as an RPC, a servlet request processing, a session combining several calls etc.
ServerSideContext() - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ServerSideContext
shutdown() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
shutdownNow() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor


toString() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextScope
toString() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.ContextTrackingExecutor
TrackableContext<CtxT extends TrackableContext<CtxT>> - Class in pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes
A ServerSideContext that can be tracked across threads by executing closures within it.
TrackableContext(ContextTracker<CtxT>) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.guice.scopes.TrackableContext
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