Class GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator
    extends ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator
    Automatically injects dependencies of endpoint instances and ensures that lifecycle methods of the created endpoints are executed within WebsocketConnectionContext and ContainerCallContext.

    For endpoints annotated with @ServerEndpoint, this class must be used as configurator param of the annotation:

         value = "/websocket/mySocket",
         configurator = GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator.class)
     public class MyEndpoint {...}

    NOTE: methods annotated with @OnOpen must have a Session param.

    For endpoints added programmatically, a ServerEndpointConfig similar to the below should be used:

             .create(MyEndpoint.class, "/websocket/mySocket")
             .configurator(new GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator())