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addConnection(Session) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Registers connection for pinging.


DEFAULT_FAILURE_LIMIT - Static variable in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Arbitrarily chosen number.
DEFAULT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Majority of proxy and NAT routers have timeout of at least 60s.
DEFAULT_PING_SIZE - Static variable in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Economic value to reduce use of Random.


EndpointUtils - Interface in pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils
Some static helper functions related to Endpoints.


getNumberOfConnections() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Returns the number of currently registered connections.


isOnClose(Method) - Static method in interface pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.EndpointUtils
Checks if method is either annotated with OnClose or overrides Endpoint.onClose(Session, CloseReason).
isOnError(Method) - Static method in interface pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.EndpointUtils
Checks if method is either annotated with OnError or overrides Endpoint.onError(Session, Throwable).
isOnOpen(Method) - Static method in interface pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.EndpointUtils
Checks if method is either annotated with OnOpen or overrides Endpoint.onOpen(Session, EndpointConfig).


pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils - package pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils


removeConnection(Session) - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Deregisters connection.


stop() - Method in class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Stops the service.


WebsocketPingerService - Class in pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils
Automatically pings and handles pongs from websocket connections.
WebsocketPingerService() - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
WebsocketPingerService(int) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Calls WebsocketPingerService(intervalSeconds, false) (keep-alive-only mode).
WebsocketPingerService(int, boolean) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Configures and starts the service in keep-alive-only mode: just 1 byte is sent each time and responses are not expected.
WebsocketPingerService(int, int, int) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
WebsocketPingerService(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class pl.morgwai.base.servlet.utils.WebsocketPingerService
Configures and starts the service in ping-pong mode.
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