



package processingtypedata

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BasicProcessingTypeDataReload extends ProcessingTypeDataReload with LazyLogging


    This implements *simplistic* reloading of ProcessingTypeData - treat it as experimental/working PoC

    This implements *simplistic* reloading of ProcessingTypeData - treat it as experimental/working PoC

    One of the biggest issues is that it can break current operations - when reloadAll is invoked, e.g. during process deploy via FlinkRestManager it may very well happen that http backed is closed between two Flink invocations. To handle this correctly we probably need sth like: def withProcessingTypeData(processingType: ProcessingType)(action: ProcessingTypeData=>Future[T]): Future[T] to be able to wait for all operations to complete

    Another thing that needs careful consideration is handling exception during ProcessingTypeData creation/closing - probably during close we want to catch exception and try to proceed, but during creation it can be a bit tricky...

  2. class MapBasedProcessingTypeDataProvider[T] extends ProcessingTypeDataProvider[T]

  3. trait ProcessingTypeDataProvider[+T] extends AnyRef


    NOTICE: This is probably *temporary* solution.

    NOTICE: This is probably *temporary* solution. We want to be able to:

    • reload elements of ProcessingTypeData
    • have option to add new ProcessingTypeData dynamically (though currently it's not supported)
    • use only those elements which are needed in given place

    In the future we'll probably have better way of controlling how ProcessingTypeData is used, e.g. by

    • custom Directives or custom routes.
    • appropriate variant of Reader monad :)

    Now we just want to be able to easily check usages of ProcessingTypeData elements

    Currently, the only implementation is map-based, but in the future it will allow to reload ProcessingTypeData related stuff without restarting the app

  4. trait ProcessingTypeDataReload extends AnyRef


Value Members

  1. object BasicProcessingTypeDataReload

  2. object ProcessingTypeDataConfigurationReader extends LazyLogging

  3. object ProcessingTypeDataReader extends LazyLogging

