
abstract class AttributeId[A, B <: OntologyType](name1: String, val tpe: RttiProvider[B]) extends RecordProperty[A]

Metainformation about property. Contains unique name (within the type) and type of the value. Might contain other metainformation about property, like Schema.

Type parameters:

Phantom type of record. It's not an ontology type, because only records can have named attributes.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class column[T]
class enumColumn[T]
class nestedRecord[T]
class scalarColumn[T]
class seq[T]
class seqOfEnum[T]
class seqOfRecord[T]
class seqOfScalar[T]

Type members


type P = B

Inherited types

type R = A
Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

override def toString: String
Definition Classes
def tpeSimpleName: String

Concrete fields

val name: String
val tpe: RttiProvider[B]