Interface ExtensionItemInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getInstalledBy

        java.lang.Class<? extends FeatureInstaller> getInstalledBy()
        Each extension is always registered by single installer. If extension is recognizable by multiple installers then it will be installed by first matching installer.
        installer installed this extension
      • isLazy

        boolean isLazy()
        Lazy beans are not registered in guice by default. Some installers could support this flag in a special way.
        true if extension annotated with LazyBinding, false otherwise
      • isJerseyManaged

        boolean isJerseyManaged()
        in the next version HK2 support will be removed and annotation will become useless
        Indicates extension management by jersey instead of guice.
        true if extension annotated with JerseyManaged, false otherwise
      • isGuiceBinding

        boolean isGuiceBinding()
        Indicates extensions, recognized from guice modules. Extension might be found both by classpath scan (or registered manually) and be detected as binding declaration and in this case no automatic guice binding would be performed.
        true if extension detected in guice bindings, false otherwise (for direct-only extension)
      • isOptional

        boolean isOptional()
        Optional extensions are registered directly in guicey bundles. These extensions automatically become disabled if no installer recognize it (instead of throwing exception).
        true if extension is optional