Class JerseyProviderInstaller

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FeatureInstaller, BindingInstaller, JerseyInstaller<java.lang.Object>, WithOptions

    public class JerseyProviderInstaller
    extends AbstractJerseyInstaller<java.lang.Object>
    implements BindingInstaller
    Jersey provider installer. Looks for jersey extension classes and classes annotated with Provider and register bindings in HK context.

    Registration by extension type might be disabled using InstallersOptions.JerseyExtensionsRecognizedByType option (for legacy behaviour - register classed only annotated with Provider).

    By default, user providers are prioritized (with Custom qualifier). This is the default dropwizard behaviour for direct provider registration with environment.jersey().register(provider) and so installer behaves the same. Without it ambiguous situations are possible when dropwizard default providers used instead (e.g. user provided ExceptionMapper<Throwable> not used at all because of dropwizard's one). Auto qualification may be disabled with InstallersOptions.PrioritizeJerseyExtensions (to mimic older guicey versions behaviour). When auto prioritization disabled, Custom annotation may be used directly (to prioritize exact providers).

    Priority may be used to order providers (see Priorities for the default priority constants).

    If provider is annotated with JerseyManaged it's instance will be created by HK2, not guice. This is important when extensions directly depends on HK beans (no way to wrap with Provider or if it's eager extension, which instantiated by HK immediately (when hk-guice contexts not linked yet).

    In some cases LazyBinding could be an alternative to JerseyManaged

    Force singleton scope for extensions, but not for beans having explicit scope annotation. See InstallersOptions.ForceSingletonForJerseyExtensions. Prototype annotation may be used on guice beans to declare bean in prototype scope (prevent forced singleton).

    See Also:
    JerseyManaged, GuiceManaged, LazyBinding
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void bind​( binder, java.lang.Class<?> type, boolean lazyMarker)
      Called to apply custom binding for installed feature.
      void extensionBound​( stage, java.lang.Class<?> type)
      Called after execution of one of above methods.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRecognizableSigns()
      Method used by extensions help report (GuiceBundle.Builder.printExtensionsHelp()) to show what signs this exact installer recognize so user could better understand extensions support specifics.
      void install​(org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.AbstractBinder binder, injector, java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> type)
      Called on jersey start to inject extensions into HK context.
      <T> void manualBinding​( binder, java.lang.Class<T> type,<T> binding)
      Called for extensions, resolved from guice bindings (in user modules).
      boolean matches​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
      NOTE: consider using ru.vyarus.dropwizard.guice.module.installer.util.FeatureUtils to simplify checks (for example, types most likely must be checks to be not abstract).
      void report()
      Called to log registered endpoints in dropwizard log fashion.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • JerseyProviderInstaller

        public JerseyProviderInstaller()
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public boolean matches​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Description copied from interface: FeatureInstaller
        NOTE: consider using ru.vyarus.dropwizard.guice.module.installer.util.FeatureUtils to simplify checks (for example, types most likely must be checks to be not abstract).

        When type accepted by any extension it's registered in guice module.

        Specified by:
        matches in interface FeatureInstaller
        type - type to check
        true if extension recognized, false otherwise
      • bind

        public void bind​( binder,
                         java.lang.Class<?> type,
                         boolean lazyMarker)
        Description copied from interface: BindingInstaller
        Called to apply custom binding for installed feature. By default, all found extensions are installed as binder.bind(type). This method will be called instead of default registration.

        Called only for non binding extensions (extensions that are not already bound in guice module.

        WARNING: may be called multiple times due to enabled bindings reporting! Be sure to produce correct logs.

        Specified by:
        bind in interface BindingInstaller
        binder - guice binder
        type - extension class
        lazyMarker - true if extension is annotated with LazyBinding
      • manualBinding

        public <T> void manualBinding​( binder,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> type,
                            <T> binding)
        Description copied from interface: BindingInstaller
        Called for extensions, resolved from guice bindings (in user modules). May be used to validate binding or do some additional bindings with existing binding. Binding is detected primarily by main key Binding.getKey(), but linked bindings (LinkedKeyBinding) are also checked for target key (LinkedKeyBinding.getLinkedKey()).

        LazyBinding flag is not used here because guicey will automatically throw an error if existing binding is annotated as lazy binding (which don't makes any sense).

        WARNING: may be called multiple times due to enabled bindings reporting! Be sure to produce correct logs.

        Specified by:
        manualBinding in interface BindingInstaller
        Type Parameters:
        T - extension type, used to connect extension class with binding
        binder - guice binder
        type - extension class
        binding - binding declaration from guice module
        See Also:
        for errors reporting
      • extensionBound

        public void extensionBound​( stage,
                                   java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Description copied from interface: BindingInstaller
        Called after execution of one of above methods. Useful for reporting. Binder is not provided here to avoid confusion with BindingInstaller.bind(Binder, Class, boolean).

        WARNING: may be called multiple times due to enabled bindings reporting! Be sure to produce correct logs.

        Specified by:
        extensionBound in interface BindingInstaller
        stage - stage (useful for differentiation between normal run (Stage.PRODUCTION) and report rendering (Stage.TOOL)
        type - extension class
      • install

        public void install​(org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.AbstractBinder binder,
                            java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> type)
        Description copied from interface: JerseyInstaller
        Called on jersey start to inject extensions into HK context. Use JerseyBinding utility for proper types binding: it provide utilities for various jersey extensions and use special "bridges" for registration to respect guice scopes (most of the time we not register ready instance, but factory which delegates creation to guice).
        Specified by:
        install in interface JerseyInstaller<java.lang.Object>
        binder - hk binder
        injector - guice injector
        type - extension type to register
        See Also:
        JerseyBinding, JerseyManaged
      • report

        public void report()
        Description copied from interface: FeatureInstaller
        Called to log registered endpoints in dropwizard log fashion. It's important to naturally show all dynamically resolved classes to easily catch errors. Use Reporter to simplify reporting.

        Method may do nothing if reporting not required

        Specified by:
        report in interface FeatureInstaller