Class TestDropwizardAppExtension

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterAllCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeAllCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeEachCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolver

    public class TestDropwizardAppExtension
    extends GuiceyExtensionsSupport
    TestDropwizardApp junit 5 extension implementation. Normally, extension should be activated with annotation, but in some cases manual registration may be used:
     static TestDropwizardAppExtension app = TestDropwizardAppExtension.forApp(MyApp.class).create()
    Registration in static field is complete equivalent of annotation declaration! When registered in non-static field, application would be started for each test method.

    Reasons why it could be used instead of annotation:

    • Incorrect execution order with some other extensions. Manually registered extension will execute after(!) all class level registrations (junit native behaviour). So moving guicey extension to manual registration may guarantee its execution after some other extension.
    • Manual registration allows short hook declarations with lambdas: .hooks(builder -> builder.modules(new DebugGuiceModule()))
    • Config overrides registration as ConfigOverride objects (required for delayed evaluated values: e.g. when it is obtained from some other junit extension)
    • Per-method application startup (for non-static field)

    You can't use manual registration to configure multiple applications because junit allows only one extension instance (if you really need to use multiple applications in tests then register one with extension and for another use DropwizardTestSupport or TestSupport utility).

    If both declarations will be used at the same class (don't do that!) then annotation will win and manual registration will be ignored (junit default behaviour).

    Other extensions requiring access to dropwizard application may use GuiceyExtensionsSupport.lookupSupport(ExtensionContext).

    • Constructor Detail

      • TestDropwizardAppExtension

        public TestDropwizardAppExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • forApp

        public static TestDropwizardAppExtension.Builder forApp​(java.lang.Class<? extends io.dropwizard.Application> app)
        Builder for manual extension registration with RegisterExtension. Provides the same configuration options as TestDropwizardApp annotation (annotation considered as preferred usage way).

        IMPORTANT: extension must be used with static field only! You can't register multiple extensions!

        This is just a different way of extension configuration! Resulted extension object does not provide any additional methods (and not intended to be used at all)!

        Pure DropwizardTestSupport provides an ability to register custom Managed or listener DropwizardTestSupport.addListener(DropwizardTestSupport.ServiceListener). If you need these then use ExtensionBuilder.hooks(GuiceyConfigurationHook...) to register additional managed object or additional dropwizard or guicey bundle (which will be the same as listener above).

        app - application class
        builder for extension configuration.
      • prepareTestSupport

        protected io.dropwizard.testing.DropwizardTestSupport<?> prepareTestSupport​(java.lang.String configPrefix,
                                                                                    org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext context,
                                                                                    java.util.List<TestEnvironmentSetup> setups)
        Description copied from class: GuiceyExtensionsSupport
        The only role of actual extension class is to configure DropwizardTestSupport object according to annotation.
        Specified by:
        prepareTestSupport in class GuiceyExtensionsSupport
        configPrefix - configuration properties prefix
        context - extension context
        setups - setup extensions resolved from fields (or empty list)
        configured dropwizard test support object