Interface GraphQLObjectMixin

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphQLObjectMixin
Mixin functionality for GraphQL objects. Allows for adding some extra fields when an object is being built. The primary use is to allow for root objects to extend other types via annotations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void mixin​(GraphQLObjectMixinEncounter encounter)
    Perform a mixin for the object being built.
    boolean supportsOutputMixin​(se.l4.commons.types.reflect.TypeRef type)
    Get if this mixin supports the given type.
  • Method Details

    • supportsOutputMixin

      boolean supportsOutputMixin​(se.l4.commons.types.reflect.TypeRef type)
      Get if this mixin supports the given type.
      type -
    • mixin

      void mixin​(GraphQLObjectMixinEncounter encounter)
      Perform a mixin for the object being built.
      encounter -