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AAccount - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Class representing an Account in the Ocean Ecosystem
AAccount(String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
Create an AAccount with the provided ID
AAccount(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
AAgent - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Class representing an Agent in the Ocean Ecosystem
AAgent(Ocean, DID) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
Create an agent with the provided Ocean connection and DID
AAgent(DID) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
Create an agent with the provided Ocean connection and DID
AAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Abstract base class for immutable asset implementations
AAsset(String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
AAsset(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
account - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
Account - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an Account with one or more agents in the Ocean ecosystem
ACCOUNT - sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.AgentIdType
accountAPI - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
accounts - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
add(String, Asset) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
API to add a new sub-asset in existing bundle.
add(String, Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
add(String, Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
addAccount(Account) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Identity
Adds an Account to be associated with this Identity
addAccount(Account) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
Adds an Account to be associated with this Identity
addAll(Map<String, Asset>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
API to create a new bundle adding all named sub-assets passed as parameters
addAll(Map<String, Asset>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
addAll(Map<String, Asset>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
addAuthHeaders(HttpRequest) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
This method to add header to the HTTP request.
AEVMAccount - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Class representing an Ethereum Account in the Ocean Ecosystem
AEVMAccount(String, String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AEVMAccount
Create an account with the provided ID and password
Agent - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an Agent in the Ocean ecosystem
AGREEMENT - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
AIdentity - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Class representing an Identity in the Ocean Ecosystem
AIdentity(String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
Create an AIdentity with the provided ID
AListing - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl
Abstract base class for a listing on a data marketplace
AListing() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AListing
AMemoryAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Abstract base class for in-memory assets
AMemoryAsset(String, MemoryAgent) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryAsset
Constructor for Memory Asset
AMemoryOperation - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a local in-memory operation asset.
AMemoryOperation(String, MemoryAgent) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryOperation
ARemoteAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
This is an abstract class which have common code required for RemoteAsset/RemoteBundle/RemoteOperation.
ARemoteAsset(String, RemoteAgent) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.ARemoteAsset
Asset - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an Asset.
ASSET_ID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
associatedWith(String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Map representing an associatedWith Relationship, which connects the agentID with the activityId
ASYNC - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
AuthorizationException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
Exception class representing invalid access permission
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.AuthorizationException
API to create Authorization Exception instance
AuthorizationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.AuthorizationException
API to create Authorization Exception instance


balance() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AEVMAccount
Returns the Balance of an account
buildMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
Build default metadata for a file asset
Bundle - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an immutable asset bundle.
BUNDLE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


cancel() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Attempts to cancel execution of this Job.
cancel(boolean) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Attempts to cancel execution of this Job.
CANCELLED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
checkURL(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Checks HTTP URL and returns true a connection can be established to the corresponding host and port
CLIMain - Class in sg.dex.starfish.cli
Main class for CLI invocations
CLIMain() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.cli.CLIMain
close(CloseableHttpResponse) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Closes an HTTP response
coerceBoolean(Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Coerces the argument to a boolean value, where: - null is considered false - Strings "false" and "true" are interpreted appropriately - Boolean values are retained as-is
coerceInt(Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Coerces an object to an int value.
compute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryOperation
Method for computation of the memory operation.
connect() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets an instance of an Ocean object with the default configuration
connect(OceanAPI) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets an instance of an Ocean object with the given OceanAPI instance.
connect(RemoteAccount) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
This method is to add the remote account details to RemoteAgent.
Constant - Class in sg.dex.starfish.constant
Constant() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
CONTENT_HASH - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
CONTENTS - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
create() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Creates a new MemoryAgent with a randomised DID
create(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with the provided data.
create(byte[], String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with the provided metadata and content
create(byte[], Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with given byte[] content.
create(byte[], Map<String, Object>, MemoryAgent) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with given byte[] content, using the specified MemoryAgent Creates default metadata, and merges in and additional metadata provided
create(byte[], MemoryAgent) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with the provided data.
create(File) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
This method is to create File Asset with specific given path.
create(File, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
Create File Asset with specific metadata and given path.
create(File, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
This method is to create File Asset with specific given path.
create(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Creates a new MemoryAgent with the given DID
create(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
This method is to crete Resource Asset with specific resource path, metadata and isHashOfContentRequired
create(String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
This method is to create Resource Asset with specific resource path, metadata and isHashOfContentRequired
create(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Creates a DID with the specified method, id, path and fragment
create(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAccount
This method is to create instance of Remote Account
create(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
This method is to create Resource Asset with specific resource path, metadata and isHashOfContentRequired
create(String, DID, DDO, Ocean) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
create(URI) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
Creates a HTTP asset using the given URI.
create(URI, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
Creates a HTTP asset using the given URI and metadata
create(URI, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
Creates a HTTP asset using the given URI string.
create(Future<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
Create a MemoryJob instance using the provided Future.
create(Map<String, String>, Ocean, DID) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
Creates a RemoteAgent with the specified OceanAPI, Ocean connection and DID
create(Map<String, Asset>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
Create a memory bundle asset.
create(Map<String, Asset>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
Create a memory bundle asset.
create(Map<String, Asset>, Map<String, Object>, MemoryAgent) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
Create a memory bundle asset.
create(Asset) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Gets a MemoryAsset using the content and metadata from the provided asset
create(Asset, MemoryAgent) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Gets a MemoryAsset using the content and metadata from the provided asset
create(MemoryAgent, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
API will create the listing instance based on the metaMap data passed.
create(MemoryAgent, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
Create method is to create a instance of Memory Purchase This method will create a new instance of Purchase based on metaMap passed as an argument.
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
Creates a RemoteAsset with the given metadata on the specified remote agent
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
Creates a RemoteAsset with the given metadata on the specified remote agent
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
Creates a RemoteJob representing a Job on a given RemoteAgent.
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
To get the Reference of Existing Listing
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
This method is to create the remote operation instance by passing the remote agent and the metadata
create(RemoteAgent, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemotePurchase
To get the Reference of Existing Listing
create(Ocean, Account) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
create(Ocean, DID) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Creates a RemoteAgent with the specified Ocean connection and DID This method will create a new instance of Remote agent based on Ocean and DID reference passed as an argument
create(Ocean, DID) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
create(Ocean, DID, RemoteAccount) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Creates a RemoteAgent with the specified Ocean connection, DID and RemoteAccount
create(DID) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Creates a new MemoryAgent using the given DID
createActivities(Map<String, Object>...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a list of Activities
createActivity(String, ProvUtil.ActivityType) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns an Activity identified by activity id and type
createActivity(String, ProvUtil.ActivityType, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns an Activity identified by activity id and type
createAgent(String, ProvUtil.AgentIdType) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Map representing an entity, given the id and type
createAgents(Map<String, Object>...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Map representing a list of agents
createAssetDependency(Asset) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Entity referring to asset in the argument
createDefaultMetadata() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Creates a default metadata map using: - The current system time
createDependencies(String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Create dependencies.
createFromString(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Creates a MemoryAsset with the provided string data, encoded in UTF_8 Default metadata will be generated.
createInvokeProvenance(String, String, Collection<Asset>, String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Create default provenance metadata for publishing an asset created using invoke.
createListing(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Create a Listing with the given data
createListing(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
createListing(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.MarketAgent
API used to create a new listing instance it will have map of all metadata that need to be passed while creating the listing instance
createMultiPart(String, ContentBody) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
This method is used to crate a Multipart instance with the given content.
createPublishProvenance(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Create default provenance metadata for publishing an asset.
createPublishProvenance(String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Create default provenance metadata for publishing an asset
createPurchase(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
API to get the Purchase instance
createPurchase(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to create the Purchase object
createRandom() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Creates a random Ocean-compliant DID
createRandomHexString(int) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Creates a random hex string of the specified length
createRandomString() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Creates a random Ocean-compliant DID as a string, of the format:
createThisInput() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Entity referring to "this", the asset being registered


DATA - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DATA_SET - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DataAsset - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing a data asset.
DATE_CREATED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DEFAULT_AUTHOR - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DEFAULT_DATE_CREATED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DEFAULT_LICENSE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DEFAULT_PRICE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
defaultPrefix() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Create a default namespace which includes the prefix and path for Ocean protocol schema
DELIVERED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
derivedFrom(Collection<Asset>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Map representing an derived by Relationship, which connects the dependent entities
did - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
DID - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Class representing a valid W3C DID See: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-spec/
DID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
DID_LENGTH - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Length of a DID identifier in bytes
DID_METHOD - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


EMPTY_BYTES_SHA3 - Static variable in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
ENDPOINT_INVOKE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
ENDPOINT_MARKET - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
ENDPOINT_META - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
ENDPOINT_STORAGE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
equals(Object) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Compares two objects for equality.
equals(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Tests if this DID is equal to another DID
ETHEREUMACCOUNT - sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.AgentIdType
execute(HttpUriRequest) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Executes an HTTP request
executeWithAuth(HttpUriRequest, String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Execute the HTTP request based on user name ,password, and the request data.


FAILED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
FILE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
FILE_NAME - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
FileAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.file
Class exposing a file on the local file system as an Ocean asset
FileAsset(String, File) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
formatParams(Operation, Object...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Params
Creates the "params" part of the invoke payload using the spec in the operation metadata and the passed positional arguments
formatParams(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Params
Creates the "params" part of the invoke payload using the spec in the operation metadata and the passed positional arguments
formatResponse(Operation, Map<String, Object>, RemoteAgent) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Params
This method is used to format result of the response form Invoke calls.


generatedBy(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
Returns a Map representing an generatedBy Relationship, which connects the entityid with the activityId
GenericException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
GenericException(String) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.GenericException
Constructor to create the Generic Exception instance
GenericException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.GenericException
Constructor to create the Generic Exception instance
get() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Waits for the result of the operation and returns the result WARNING: may never return if the Job does not complete
get(long) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Waits for the result of the Operation and returns the result or returns null if the timeout in milliseconds expires before the asset is available.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Waits for the result of the Operation and returns the result map.
get(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
API to get an specific asset from an asset Bundle by asset name
get(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
get(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
get(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Convenience function to get a value from the Job result map
getAccounts() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Identity
Gets the Accounts associated with this Identity where the key is the Account.getID();
getAccounts() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
Gets the Accounts associated with this Identity where the key is the Account.getID();
getAccountsAPI() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets the Squid AccountsAPI for this Ocean connection
getAddress() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AEVMAccount
Gets the address for this Ethereum Account
getAddress() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
getAgent(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets the agent for a given DID
getAgreement() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
getAgreement() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
getAgreement() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
Returns the service agreement associated with this listing.
getAll() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
API to get an immutable all named sub Asset belong to asset Bundle
getAll() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryBundle
getAll() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
getAllListing() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to get all listing metaData.It may ab very heavy call .
getAllListing(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
APi to get all the listing that belong to user id passed in the argument
getAquariusService() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getAsset() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
getAsset() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
getAsset() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
Returns the asset associated with this listing.
getAsset(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Gets an asset for the given asset ID from this agent.
getAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
getAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets an asset for the given asset ID from this agent.
getAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
Gets an asset for the given asset ID from this agent.
getAsset(DID) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Gets an asset for the given asset DID from this agent.
getAsset(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
getAsset(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
getAsset(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Attempts to resolve an asset for a given DID
getAssetID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets the ID for this Asset.
getAssetID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
getAssetID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
getAssetID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
This method is to get the AssetID
getAssetID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
Gets the Asset ID of this listing
getAssetsAPI() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets the Squid AssetsAPI for this Ocean connection
getAuthEndpoint() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets the Auth API endpoint for this agent, or null if this does not exist
getBalance(Account) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Returns the Balance of an account register in the Keeper
getClass(T) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Gets the class of an object, or null if the argument is null
getContent() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets the contents of this data asset as a byte[] array.
getContent() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Gets raw data corresponding to this Asset
getContent(HttpResponse) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Gets HTTP response content
getContentHash() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
This method is used to calculate the hash of the content by using keccak256 hashing algorithm.
getContentSize() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
Gets the size of this data asset's content
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
Gets RemoteAsset size
getContentSize() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
getContentStream() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets the contents of this data asset as a input stream.
getContentStream() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
Gets an input stream that can be used to consume the content of this asset.
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
Gets an input stream that can be used to consume the content of this asset.
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
Gets InputStream corresponding to this Asset
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
Gets raw data corresponding to this Asset
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
Gets InputStream corresponding to this Asset
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
Gets raw data corresponding to this Asset
getContentStream() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
getContentStream(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
This method is to get the content of an Asset based on Asset id passed as an argument.
getCredentials() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Account
Gets the credentials stored for this Account.
getCredentials() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
getDDO() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Gets the DDO for the agent
getDDO() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
getDDO(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets a DDO for a specified DID via the Universal resolver
getDDO(DID) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Resolver
Gets a DDO Object for a given DDO.
getDDOString(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets a DDO for a specified DID via the Universal resolver
getDDOString(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidResolverImpl
getDDOString(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
getDDOString(DID) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Resolver
Method to get a DDO (as a String) for any given DID registered with the resolver.
getDID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Gets the DID for an Agent
getDID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets the DID for this asset.
getDID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryAsset
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
getDID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
Gets the DID for this SquidAsset
getEndpoint(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
Returns the serviceEndpoint for the specified service type.
getEthBalance() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
getFragment() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Gets the DID fragment for this DID
getId() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
getId() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
This method is to get the Purchase ID This method will return the purchase id
getId() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
This method is to get the Listing ID
getId() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
API to get the Listing ID
getID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Account
Gets the ID for an Account.
getID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Identity
Gets the ID for an Identity
getID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
getID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
Gets the ID for an Identity
getID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Gets the DID idstring for this DID
getInvokeEndpoint() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets the Invoke API endpoint for this agent
getJob(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
getJob(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
getJob(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Invokable
Gets a Job from this invokable agent with the given jobID
getJobID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
getJobID() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
getJobID() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Gets the Job ID associated with this Job.
getKeeperService() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getKeeperService(Properties) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getListing() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
getListing() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemotePurchase
getListing() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Purchase
Returns the Listing associated with this Purchase.
getListing(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
getListing(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
getListing(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.MarketAgent
API to get all the Listing.
getListingId() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
This method to get the listing id associated with the this purchase This method will return the listing id
getListingMetaData(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to get the listing meta data
getMarketEndpoint() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets the Market API endpoint for this agent, or null if this does not exist
getMemoryAgent() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryAsset
Method to get the Memory Agent reference
getMetadata() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets a copy of the JSON metadata for this asset, as a map of strings to values.
getMetadata() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
getMetaData() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
getMetaData() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
getMetaData() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
getMetaData() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemotePurchase
getMetaData() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
API to get the meta data of this Listing
getMetaData() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Purchase
Get the metadata for this Purchase as a nested Map
getMetadataString() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Returns the metadata for this asset as a String.
getMetadataString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
getMetaEndpoint() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets the Meta API endpoint for this agent, or null if this does not exist
getMethod() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Gets the DID method for this DID
getOcean() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
Method to get the Ocean reference
getOceanAPI() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Gets the Squid OceanAPI for this Ocean connection
getOceanBalance() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
getOperationSpec() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Returns the operation specification for this operation.
getParamSpec(Operation) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Invokable
Gets the parameter specification for this Invokable service given the specified operation
getParamsSpec() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Returns the parameter specification for this operation.
getParamValue() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Gets the representation of this asset as required to pass to a remote invokable service.
getParamValue() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
API to get the ParamValue
getParamValue() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
getParamValue() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
getParamValue() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
getPath() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Gets the DID path for this DID
getProvider() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getPurchase(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
getPurchase(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
getPurchase(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.MarketAgent
API to get one Listing.
getPurchaseMetaData(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to get the Purchase MetaData
getRemoteAgent(String, DID, String, String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.RemoteAgentConfig
getResolverManager() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getResult() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Convenience method to get the Job result without checked exceptions.
getResult(long) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Convenience method to get the result of the Job without checked exceptions.
getResult(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Convenience method to get the result of the Job without checked exceptions.
getScheme() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Gets the DID scheme for this DID
getSource() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
getSource() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
getSource() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
getSource() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
getSquidDDO() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
Method to get the Squid DDO
getSquidService() - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidService
getStatus() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
getStatus() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
getStatus() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Gets the status of the Job associated with this Operation.
getStorageEndpoint() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets the storage endpoint for this agent
getStorageURI(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Gets storage URI for this assetID
getTransaction(String, String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
API to get the Transaction details from Submarine based on account and the submarine url
getUserDataMap() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAccount
This method is to get the user data map.
getUserDetails() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
This method is to get the log in user details from the this agent


Hash - Class in sg.dex.crypto
Utility class for hash functions
Hash() - Constructor for class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
hashCode() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
hashCode(Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Computes the hashcode for an Object.
Hex - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Utility class for hexadecimal strings
Hex() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
HTTP - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
This is an HTTP class for executing REST calls.
HTTP() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP


id - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
id - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
id - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AIdentity
ID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
Identity - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an Identity in the Ocean ecosystem
IMPORT - sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.ActivityType
includeContentHash() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
This method is to include the content of hash in the asset metadata.
installLocalDDO(DID, String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Registers a DID with a DDO in the context of this Ocean connection on the local machine.
installLocalDDO(DID, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Registers a DID with a DDO in the context of this Ocean connection on the local machine.
Invokable - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an invokable service agent.
invoke(Object...) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
invoke(Object...) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Invokes this operation with the given positional parameters.
invoke(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryOperation
invoke(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
invoke(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Invokes this operation with the given named parameters.
invoke(Operation, Object...) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Invokes the specified operation on this agent.
invoke(Operation, Object...) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
invoke(Operation, Object...) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Invokable
Invokes the specified operation on this agent.
invoke(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Invokes the specified operation on this agent.
invoke(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
invoke(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Invokable
Invokes the specified operation on this agent.
INVOKE_ASYNC - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
INVOKE_SYNC - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
invokeAsync(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryOperation
invokeAsync(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
invokeAsync(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Invokes this operation with the given named parameters.
invokeAsync(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Invokes the specified operation on this agent.
invokeAsync(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
invokeAsync(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Invokable
Invokes this operation with the given named parameters.
invokeResult(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryOperation
invokeResult(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
invokeResult(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
Invokes this operation with the given named parameters.
invokeResult(Operation, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to invoke a sync operation
isBundle() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Tests if this asset is an bundle, i.e.
isBundle() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Bundle
Setting the asset type as bundle
isCancelled() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
isCancelled() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Returns true if the Job is known to be cancelled.
isDataAsset() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Returns true if this asset is a data asset, i.e.
isDataAsset() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
isDataAsset() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
isDataAsset() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
isDone() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
isDone() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
isDone() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Returns true if the Job has been completed, either due to success, failure or cancellation.
isOperation() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Asset
Returns true if this asset is an operation, i.e.
isOperation() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAsset
Returns true if this asset is an operation, i.e.
isOperation() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Operation
isValidDID(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Checks if the provided String is a valid DID


Job - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an asynchronous Job execution.
JOB_ID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
JobFailedException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
Exception class representing a failure during invoke job execution.
JobFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.JobFailedException
JobFailedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.JobFailedException
JOBS - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
JSON - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Utility class for handling JSON objects
JSON() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSON
JSONObjectCache - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Utility class maintaining a cache of parsed JSON objects
JSONObjectCache() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSONObjectCache


keccak256(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the Keccak256 hash of a byte array
keccak256(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the Keccak256 hash of byte array segment
keccak256(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the Keccak256 hash of string, with UTF-8 encoding
keccak256String(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the Keccak256 hash of byte array
keccak256String(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the Keccak256 hash of string, with UTF-8 encoding


list() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
API to get the list of accounts register in the Keeper
Listing - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing a listing of an asset on the Ocean Network
LISTING_ID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
LISTING_URL - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


main(String...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.cli.CLIMain
Main entry point for CLI execution
mapOf(Object...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Creates a map using the given arguments as interleaved keys and values
MarketAgent - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
This interface is for all the basis functionality that Market provide.
MAX_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
memoryAgent - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.AMemoryAsset
MemoryAgent - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
An in-memory agent implementation This class methods include creation of memory agent, get asset based on id, create listing ,create purchase,invoke service.
MemoryAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a local in-memory data asset.
MemoryBundle - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a local in-memory bundle asset.
MemoryJob - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a Job being conducted asynchronously in the local JVM, which wraps an arbitrary Future.
MemoryListing - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a local in-memory Listing instance.
MemoryPurchase - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
Class representing a local in-memory Purchase.
mergeMeta(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Merges two metadata maps.
metadataString - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
MODE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


NAME - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
namedParams(Operation, Object...) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Params
Converts an array of positional parameters to a map of named parameters, according to the parameter spec of the given operation.


ocean - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
Ocean - Class in sg.dex.starfish
Main entry point for Ocean ecosystem capabilities.
OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
Operation - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Interface representing an invokable Operation
OPERATION - sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.ActivityType
OPERATION - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
OPF - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
ORDERED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


Params - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Utility class for marshalling invokable operation parameters and return values
Params() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.Params
PARAMS - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
parse(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Attempts to parse the given string as a DID
parse(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSON
Converts a string assumed to contain valid JSON value to an Object
parse(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSONObjectCache
Converts a string assumed to contain valid JSON object to an Object
password - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AEVMAccount
PASSWORD - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
pollJob(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Polls this agent for the Asset resulting from the given job ID
pollResult() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryJob
pollResult() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteJob
Polls the invokable service job for a complete result.
pollResult() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Job
Gets the result of the Job if available, or null if not yet available.
ProvUtil - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
ProvUtil() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil
ProvUtil.ActivityType - Enum in sg.dex.starfish.util
ProvUtil.AgentIdType - Enum in sg.dex.starfish.util
PUBLISH - sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.ActivityType
PUBLISHED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
purchase(Account) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
purchase(Account) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
purchase(Account) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
Purchases this listing using the given account FIXME: should this return an asset or a purchase?
Purchase - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
Class representing a purchase order for an asset
PURCHASE_URL - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


queryAsset(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
API to Query Asset based on map argument passed


refresh() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
refresh() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteListing
refresh() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Listing
Refreshes the Listing data from the agent where it is stored, returning a new listing.
registerAsset(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Registers asset metadata with this agent.
registerAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
registerAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
registerAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
registerAsset(Asset) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Registers an asset with this agent.
registerAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Registers an Asset with this Agent
registerAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
registerAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
Registers an asset with this agent.
registerDID(DID, String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidResolverImpl
registerDID(DID, String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
registerDID(DID, String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Resolver
Method to register a DDO for a DID .
RemoteAccount - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
Class is used to Remote Account Creation this calls will have
RemoteAccount(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAccount
Create an AAccount with the provided ID
remoteAgent - Variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.ARemoteAsset
RemoteAgent - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
This class represent the Remote Agent.
RemoteAgent(Ocean, DID, RemoteAccount) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Creates a RemoteAgent with the specified Ocean connection and DID
RemoteAgentConfig - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
This class is used to get the Remote Agent based on the host.
RemoteAgentConfig() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.RemoteAgentConfig
RemoteBundle - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
Class representing an bundle asset managed via a remote agent.
RemoteBundle(String, RemoteAgent) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteBundle
RemoteDataAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
Class representing a data asset managed via a remote agent.
RemoteDataAsset(String, RemoteAgent) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteDataAsset
RemoteException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
Class representing an unexpected failure in a remote operation
RemoteException(String) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.RemoteException
RemoteException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.RemoteException
RemoteJob - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
This class represents a remote Job executed via the Invoke API on a remote agent.
RemoteListing - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
Class representing an Listing managed via a remote agent.
RemoteOperation - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
Class representing a Invokable operation callable via the Invoke API This method of this class include the invoke ,invokeAsync,invokeResult for sync operation.
RemoteOperation(RemoteAgent, String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteOperation
RemotePurchase - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
This class representing an purchase managed via a remote agent.
requestTokens(BigInteger) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Request some ocean tokens
Resolver - Interface in sg.dex.starfish
This class implement the resolver functionality.
resolveSquidDID(DID) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
API to return Squid DDO based on Squid DID
ResourceAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource
Class exposing a Java classpath resource as an Ocean asset.
ResourceAsset(String, String) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
resourceExists(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Checks if a resource is available
RUNNING - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


SCHEDULED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
searchAsset(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
Method to search an asset
SERVICE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
SERVICE_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
sg.dex.crypto - package sg.dex.crypto
sg.dex.starfish - package sg.dex.starfish
sg.dex.starfish.cli - package sg.dex.starfish.cli
sg.dex.starfish.constant - package sg.dex.starfish.constant
sg.dex.starfish.exception - package sg.dex.starfish.exception
sg.dex.starfish.impl - package sg.dex.starfish.impl
sg.dex.starfish.impl.file - package sg.dex.starfish.impl.file
sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory - package sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory
sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote - package sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote
sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource - package sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource
sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid - package sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
sg.dex.starfish.util - package sg.dex.starfish.util
sha3_256(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the SHA3-256 hash of a byte array
sha3_256(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the SHA3-256 hash of byte array segment
sha3_256(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the SHA3-256 hash of string, with UTF-8 encoding
sha3_256String(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the sha3_256 hash of byte array
sha3_256String(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.crypto.Hash
Compute the sha3_256 hash of string, with UTF-8 encoding
SIZE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Helper function to hide checked exceptions
SquidAccount - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
Class implementing a Squid Account
SquidAccount(AccountsAPI, Account) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAccount
SquidAgent - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
Class implementing a Squid Agent
SquidAgent(Map<String, String>, Ocean, DID) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
Creates a SquidAgent with the specified OceanAPI, Ocean connection and DID
SquidAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
Class representing a SquidAsset on the Ocean Network.
SquidResolverImpl - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
SquidResolverImpl() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidResolverImpl
SquidService - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid
StarfishValidationException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
StarfishValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.StarfishValidationException
StarfishValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.StarfishValidationException
status() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
status() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemotePurchase
status() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Purchase
API to get the status of Purchase.
STATUS - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
StorageException - Exception in sg.dex.starfish.exception
Exception class representing a failure of Asset storage
StorageException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception sg.dex.starfish.exception.StorageException
stringFromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
Consumes an InputStream to a String assuming UTF-8 encoding
SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
SUSPENDED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
SYNC - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


testServerListening(String, int) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Tests is a server is listening on the given port
textEntity(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.HTTP
Creates a HTTP entity with the specified String as UTF_8 bytes
THREAD_POOL - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
A cached thread pool for jobs executed in memory
toBytes(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Converts a hex string to a byte array.
toChar(int) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Converts an int value in the range 0..15 to a lowercase hexadecimal character
TOKEN - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
toMap(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSON
Converts a string assumed to contain a valid JSON object to a (possibly nested) Map.
toPrettyString(Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSON
Converts an object to a pretty-printed JSON string representation suitable for human consumption
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAccount
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAgent
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.AAsset
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryListing
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryPurchase
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAccount
toString() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Converts a byte array of length N to a hex string of length 2N
toString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Converts a byte array of length N to a hex string of length 2N
toString(int) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Converts an int to its 8-character hex representation
toString(Object) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.JSON
Converts an object to an efficient JSON string representation
transfer(String, BigInteger) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.Ocean
Transfer tokens from one account to the receiver address
TYPE - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant


UNPUBLISHED - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
updateListing(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to update the data of existing listing.
updateMeta(String) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
Get the new Data Asset based on metaData passed as n argument.
updateMeta(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.file.FileAsset
updateMeta(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAsset
updateMeta(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.ResourceAsset
updateMeta(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
updatePurchase(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
API to update the Purchase
uploadAsset(Asset) - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.Agent
Uploads an asset to this agent.
uploadAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.memory.MemoryAgent
Registers an Asset with this Agent
uploadAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.remote.RemoteAgent
Uploads an asset to this agent.
uploadAsset(Asset) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.impl.squid.SquidAgent
API to uploads an squid asset to this agent.
URIAsset - Class in sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource
A specialised asset class that references data at a given URI.
URIAsset(String, URI) - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.impl.resource.URIAsset
USER - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
USER_ID - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
USER_NAME - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
Utils - Class in sg.dex.starfish.util
Utility class for StarFish This class has methods for creating random hex string,coerces argument to respective type, check if the resource exist, build default metadata
Utils() - Constructor for class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils


val(char) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Hex
Gets the value of a single hex car e.g.
validateAssetMetaData(String) - Static method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.Utils
API to validate the meta data mandatory attribute.
validateContentHash() - Method in interface sg.dex.starfish.DataAsset
This method is to validate the hash of the asset content .
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.ActivityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.AgentIdType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.ActivityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sg.dex.starfish.util.ProvUtil.AgentIdType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WISHLIST - Static variable in class sg.dex.starfish.constant.Constant
withoutPath() - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Removes the path and fragment from a DID, creating a simple DID that identifies the DID Subject.
withPath(String) - Method in class sg.dex.starfish.util.DID
Creates a new DID from this DID with an updated path.
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