

package sbt

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Artifact(name: String, type: String, extension: String, classifier: Option[String], configurations: Iterable[Configuration], url: Option[URL], extraAttributes: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  2. trait ArtifactFilter extends SubDepFilter[Artifact, ArtifactFilter]

  3. final class Caller extends AnyRef

  4. sealed case class ChainedResolver(name: String, resolvers: Seq[Resolver]) extends Resolver with Product with Serializable

  5. sealed trait CircularDependencyLevel extends AnyRef

    Wrapper around circular dependency strategy.

  6. class ComponentManager extends AnyRef

    A component manager provides access to the pieces of xsbt that are distributed as components.

    A component manager provides access to the pieces of xsbt that are distributed as components. There are two types of components. The first type is compiled subproject jars with their dependencies. The second type is a subproject distributed as a source jar so that it can be compiled against a specific version of Scala.

    The component manager provides services to install and retrieve components to the local repository. This is used for compiled source jars so that the compilation need not be repeated for other projects on the same machine.

  7. final case class Configuration(name: String, description: String, isPublic: Boolean, extendsConfigs: List[Configuration], transitive: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an Ivy configuration.

  8. trait ConfigurationFilter extends SubDepFilter[String, ConfigurationFilter]

  9. final class ConfigurationReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about resolution of a single configuration.

  10. final case class ConflictManager(name: String, organization: String = "*", module: String = "*") extends Product with Serializable

  11. final case class ConflictWarning(label: String, level: Value, failOnConflict: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide warnings for cross version conflicts.

    Provide warnings for cross version conflicts. A library foo_2.10 and foo_2.11 can potentially be both included on the library dependency graph by mistake, but it won't be caught by eviction.

  12. sealed trait Credentials extends AnyRef

  13. sealed trait CrossVersion extends AnyRef

    Configures how a module will be cross-versioned.

  14. final class CustomPomParser extends ModuleDescriptorParser

  15. final class DeliverConfiguration extends AnyRef

  16. trait DependencyFilter extends AnyRef

  17. trait DependencyFilterExtra extends AnyRef

  18. final case class Developer(id: String, name: String, email: String, url: URL) extends Product with Serializable

  19. final class DirectCredentials extends Credentials

  20. final class EvictionPair extends AnyRef

  21. final class EvictionWarning extends AnyRef

  22. final class EvictionWarningOptions extends AnyRef

  23. final case class ExclusionRule(organization: String = "*", name: String = "*", artifact: String = "*", configurations: Seq[String] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Rule to exclude unwanted dependencies pulled in transitively by a module.

  24. final class ExternalIvyConfiguration extends IvyConfiguration

  25. final class FileCredentials extends Credentials

  26. sealed trait FilePosition extends SourcePosition

  27. final case class FileRepository(name: String, configuration: FileConfiguration, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository.

    sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.file.

  28. final case class GetClassifiersConfiguration(module: GetClassifiersModule, exclude: Map[ModuleID, Set[String]], configuration: UpdateConfiguration, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala]) extends Product with Serializable

  29. final case class GetClassifiersModule(id: ModuleID, modules: Seq[ModuleID], configurations: Seq[Configuration], classifiers: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  30. sealed trait IfMissing extends NotNull

  31. final class InlineConfigurationWithExcludes extends ModuleSettings

  32. final class InlineIvyConfiguration extends IvyConfiguration

  33. class InvalidComponent extends RuntimeException

  34. class IvyCache extends AnyRef

    Provides methods for working at the level of a single jar file with the default Ivy cache.

  35. sealed trait IvyConfiguration extends AnyRef

  36. final case class IvyFileConfiguration(file: File, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean, autoScalaTools: Boolean = true) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  37. final class IvyPaths extends AnyRef

  38. final class IvySbt extends AnyRef

  39. final case class IvyScala(scalaFullVersion: String, scalaBinaryVersion: String, configurations: Iterable[Configuration], checkExplicit: Boolean, filterImplicit: Boolean, overrideScalaVersion: Boolean, scalaOrganization: String = ScalaArtifacts.Organization) extends Product with Serializable

  40. sealed trait Level extends AnyRef

    An enumeration defining the levels available for logging.

    An enumeration defining the levels available for logging. A level includes all of the levels with id larger than its own id. For example, Warn (id=3) includes Error (id=4).

  41. final case class LinePosition(path: String, startLine: Int) extends FilePosition with Product with Serializable

  42. final case class LineRange(start: Int, end: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  43. trait LogicalClock extends AnyRef

    Represents a logical time point for dependency resolution.

    Represents a logical time point for dependency resolution. This is used to cache dependencies across subproject resolution which may change over time.

  44. class MakePom extends AnyRef

  45. final case class MakePomConfiguration(file: File, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, configurations: Option[Seq[Configuration]] = None, extra: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty, process: (Node) ⇒ Node = n => n, filterRepositories: (MavenRepository) ⇒ Boolean = _ => true, allRepositories: Boolean, includeTypes: Set[String] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  46. sealed case class MavenRepository(name: String, root: String) extends Resolver with Product with Serializable

  47. final case class ModuleConfiguration(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, resolver: Resolver) extends Product with Serializable

  48. trait ModuleFilter extends SubDepFilter[ModuleID, ModuleFilter]

  49. final case class ModuleID(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, configurations: Option[String] = None, isChanging: Boolean = false, isTransitive: Boolean = true, isForce: Boolean = false, explicitArtifacts: Seq[Artifact] = Nil, exclusions: Seq[ExclusionRule] = Nil, extraAttributes: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, crossVersion: CrossVersion = CrossVersion.Disabled) extends Product with Serializable

  50. final case class ModuleInfo(nameFormal: String, description: String = "", homepage: Option[URL] = None, startYear: Option[Int] = None, licenses: Seq[(String, URL)] = Nil, organizationName: String = "", organizationHomepage: Option[URL] = None, scmInfo: Option[ScmInfo] = None, developers: Seq[Developer] = Seq()) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional information about a project module

  51. final class ModuleReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about the resolution of a module.

    Provides information about the resolution of a module. This information is in the context of a specific configuration.

  52. sealed trait ModuleSettings extends AnyRef

  53. class NotInCache extends RuntimeException

  54. final class OrganizationArtifactReport extends AnyRef

    OrganizationArtifactReport represents an organization+name entry in Ivy resolution report.

    OrganizationArtifactReport represents an organization+name entry in Ivy resolution report. In sbt's terminology, "module" consists of organization, name, and version. In Ivy's, "module" means just organization and name, and the one including version numbers are called revisions.

    A sequence of OrganizationArtifactReport called details is newly added to ConfigurationReport, replacing evicted. (Note old evicted was just a seq of ModuleIDs). OrganizationArtifactReport groups the ModuleReport of both winners and evicted reports by their organization and name, which can be used to calculate detailed evction warning etc.

  55. final class Patterns extends AnyRef

  56. sealed abstract class PatternsBasedRepository extends Resolver

    sbt interface to an Ivy repository based on patterns, which is most Ivy repositories.

  57. final case class PomConfiguration(file: File, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean, autoScalaTools: Boolean = true) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  58. class ProjectResolver extends ResolverAdapter

    A Resolver that uses a predefined mapping from module ids to in-memory descriptors.

    A Resolver that uses a predefined mapping from module ids to in-memory descriptors. It does not handle artifacts.

  59. final class PublishConfiguration extends AnyRef

  60. final case class RangePosition(path: String, range: LineRange) extends FilePosition with Product with Serializable

  61. final class RawRepository extends Resolver

  62. final class ResolveException extends RuntimeException

  63. sealed trait Resolver extends AnyRef

  64. abstract class ResolverAdapter extends DependencyResolver

  65. final class RetrieveConfiguration extends AnyRef

  66. final class SbtExclusionRule extends AnyRef

  67. final case class ScalaVersion(full: String, binary: String) extends Product with Serializable

  68. final case class ScmInfo(browseUrl: URL, connection: String, devConnection: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Basic SCM information for a project module

  69. final case class SftpRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns) extends SshBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp.

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.sftp.

  70. trait ShowLines[A] extends AnyRef

  71. sealed trait SourcePosition extends AnyRef

  72. sealed abstract class SshBasedRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository

    sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp).

    sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp). Requires the Jsch library..

  73. final case class SshRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns, publishPermissions: Option[String]) extends SshBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh.

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.ssh.

  74. sealed trait SubDepFilter[Arg, Self <: SubDepFilter[Arg, Self]] extends DependencyFilter

  75. final case class URLRepository(name: String, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

  76. final class UnresolvedWarning extends AnyRef

    Represents unresolved dependency warning, which displays reconstructed dependency tree along with source position of each node.

  77. final class UnresolvedWarningConfiguration extends AnyRef

  78. final class UpdateConfiguration extends AnyRef

  79. final class UpdateOptions extends AnyRef

    Represents configurable options for update task.

    Represents configurable options for update task. While UpdateConfiguration is passed into update at runtime, UpdateOption is intended to be used while setting up the Ivy object.

    See also UpdateConfiguration in IvyActions.scala.

  80. final class UpdateReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about dependency resolution.

    Provides information about dependency resolution. It does not include information about evicted modules, only about the modules ultimately selected by the conflict manager. This means that for a given configuration, there should only be one revision for a given organization and module name.

    See also


  81. final class UpdateStats extends AnyRef

  82. final class VersionNumber extends AnyRef

  83. trait VersionNumberCompatibility extends AnyRef

  84. final case class EmptyConfiguration(module: ModuleID, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.13.0) Define a module using inline Scala (InlineConfiguration), a pom.xml (PomConfiguration), or an ivy.xml (IvyFileConfiguration).

  85. final case class InlineConfiguration(module: ModuleID, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, dependencies: Seq[ModuleID], overrides: Set[ModuleID] = Set.empty, ivyXML: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty, configurations: Seq[Configuration] = Nil, defaultConfiguration: Option[Configuration] = None, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala] = None, validate: Boolean = false, conflictManager: ConflictManager = ConflictManager.default) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.13.8) Use InlineConfigurationWithExcludes.

  86. sealed trait JavaNet1Repository extends Resolver


    (Since version 0.13.6) HTTP repository is no longer recommended.

Value Members

  1. object Artifact extends Serializable

  2. object CircularDependencyLevel

  3. object ComponentManager

  4. object Configurations

  5. object ConflictManager extends Serializable

    See for details of the different conflict managers.

  6. object ConflictWarning extends Serializable

  7. object Credentials

  8. object CrossVersion

  9. object CustomPomParser

  10. object DefaultMavenRepository extends MavenRepository

  11. object DependencyFilter extends DependencyFilterExtra

  12. object EvictionPair

  13. object EvictionWarning

  14. object EvictionWarningOptions

  15. object ExternalIvyConfiguration

  16. object IfMissing

  17. object InlineConfiguration extends Serializable

  18. object InlineConfigurationWithExcludes

  19. object IvyActions

  20. object IvyConfiguration

  21. object IvyRetrieve

  22. object JCenterRepository extends MavenRepository

  23. object JavaNet2Repository extends MavenRepository

  24. object Level

  25. object LogicalClock

  26. object ModuleConfiguration extends Serializable

  27. object ModuleID extends Serializable

  28. object ModuleReport

  29. object ModuleSettings

  30. object NoPosition extends SourcePosition with Product with Serializable

  31. object OrganizationArtifactReport

  32. object Patterns

  33. object ProjectResolver

  34. object RepositoryHelpers

  35. object Resolver

  36. object SbtArtifacts

  37. object SbtExclusionRule

  38. object ScalaArtifacts

  39. object ShowLines

  40. object StringUtilities

  41. object UnresolvedWarning

  42. object UnresolvedWarningConfiguration

  43. object UpdateLogging extends Enumeration

    Configures logging during an 'update'.

    Configures logging during an 'update'. level determines the amount of other information logged. Full is the default and logs the most. DownloadOnly only logs what is downloaded. Quiet only displays errors. Default uses the current log level of update task.

  44. object UpdateOptions

  45. object UpdateReport

  46. object VersionNumber

  47. package cross

  48. package impl

  49. package ivyint

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object JavaNet1Repository extends JavaNet1Repository


    (Since version 0.13.6) HTTP repository is no longer recommended.
