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addCharacteristicsChangedListener(UUID, CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
addCharacteristicsChangedListener(UUID, CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Add a change listener that will be notified when the devices notifies a characteristic change.
addConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
addConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
addConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
addConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Adds a state listener for this connection
addDeviceAddress(String) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
Add a MAC address to the filter list and enables filtering of events by device MAC address.
addServicesDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
addServicesDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
addServiceUUID(UUID) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
Adds a service UUID used for service discovery.
areServicesDiscovered() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
areServicesDiscovered() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Determinates if gatt services haven been discovered.
AsyncInputSource - Interface in si.inova.neatle.source
A marker interface telling neatle to retrieve the data from a non EDT thread, for example when reading from a file.


buffer - Variable in class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource
build() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
Combine all the options and return a new Scanner object.
build(BluetoothDevice) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Creates the operation.
ByteArrayInputSource - Class in si.inova.neatle.source
An input source that provides a byte array.
ByteArrayInputSource(byte[]) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource


CalllableInputSource - Class in si.inova.neatle.source
A input source that invokes Callable just before the first chunk is requested.
CalllableInputSource(Callable<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.source.CalllableInputSource
cancel() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.Operation
Cancels the execution of the operation.
CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
CharacteristicsChangedListener - Interface in si.inova.neatle.operation
Listener for characteristics changes.
CharacteristicSubscription - Interface in si.inova.neatle.operation
A subscription for a GATT notifications/indications.
CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl(Context, BluetoothDevice, UUID, UUID) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl
clearDevices() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.util.DeviceManager
close() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource
close() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.CalllableInputSource
close() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.source.InputSource
Closes the stream source.
Command - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
Represents a Neatle command.
Command(CommandObserver) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
CommandObserver - Interface in si.inova.neatle.operation
Observes the status of a command, and gets notified if a command is finished.
CommandResult - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
A result of a single command.
connect() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
connect() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Try to establish this connection.
Connection - Interface in si.inova.neatle.monitor
ConnectionHandler - Interface in si.inova.neatle.monitor
Listener for connection events on a bluetooth LE device.
ConnectionMonitor - Interface in si.inova.neatle.monitor
Monitors the state of a connection with a bluetooth device.
ConnectionMonitorImpl - Class in si.inova.neatle.monitor
Monitors the connection with a bluetooth device.
ConnectionMonitorImpl(Context, BluetoothDevice) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
ConnectionStateListener - Interface in si.inova.neatle.monitor
createCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGattCharacteristic) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
createCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
createConnectionMonitor(Context, BluetoothDevice) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Creates a connection monitor that tries to connect to a bluetooth device, and notifies us of changes to the connection.
createEmptySuccess(UUID) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
createErrorResult(UUID, int) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
createFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanRecord
Create a scan record from the LE data payload.
createOperationBuilder(Context) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Creates a new operation builder, that can be used to build a system of sequential read / write operations to a device.
createScannerBuilder() - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
createSubscription(Context, BluetoothDevice, UUID, UUID) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Creates a subscription for listening to characteristics changes.
createUUID(int) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Creates a standardized UUID by using the rightmost byte of the provided integer.


d(String) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.util.NeatleLogger
DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
Device - Class in si.inova.neatle
Device(Context, BluetoothDevice, BluetoothAdapter) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.Device
DeviceManager - Class in si.inova.neatle.util
disconnect() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
disconnect() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Disconnects and aborts any pending commends.


e(String) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.util.NeatleLogger
e(String, Throwable) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.util.NeatleLogger
execute() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.Operation
Starts the execution of read / write commands.
execute(BluetoothGattCallback) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
execute(Connection, CommandObserver, BluetoothGatt) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
executeCommand(Command) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Executes the given custom command.
executeFinished(BluetoothGattCallback) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device


finish(CommandResult) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
finished(Command, CommandResult) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandObserver
Called when a command has finished.
FORMAT_SINT16 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type sint16
FORMAT_SINT32 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type sint32
FORMAT_SINT8 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type sint8
FORMAT_UINT16 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type uint16
FORMAT_UINT32 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type uint32
FORMAT_UINT8 - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Characteristic value format type uint8


getCharacteristicsChangedListenerCount(UUID) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
getCharacteristicsChangedListenerCount(UUID) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Gets the number of change listeners on the given characteristic.
getConnection() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Gets the connection object which is being monitored.
getConnection() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
getConnection(Context, BluetoothDevice) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Returns a connection to a device that has been added to the NeatLE library.
getDevice() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
getDevice() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Returns the BluetoothDevice associated with this connection.
getDevice() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Returns the device this connection monitor is listening for.
getDevice() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
getDevice() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent
getDevice(BluetoothDevice) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.util.DeviceManager
getDevice(String) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Returns a BluetoothDevice based on the provided MAC address.
getDuration() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Gets the scan duration.
getFormattedIntValue(int, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Return the stored value of this characteristic.
getInstance(Context) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.util.DeviceManager
getInterval() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Gets the interval between subsequent scans.
getManufacturerData() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanRecord
getMode() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Gets the scan mode.
getResult(UUID) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationResults
Gets the result of a command that was executed on a specific UUAD.
getRssi() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent
Gets the "received strength indication".
getScanRecord() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent
Gets the advertisement data.
getService(UUID) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
getService(UUID) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Returns a BluetoothGattService, if the requested UUID is supported by the remote device.
getServices() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
getServices() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Returns a list of GATT services offered by the remote device.
getServiceUUIDs() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanRecord
getState() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
getState() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Returns the state of this connection - BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTED, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTING, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_DISCONNECTED or BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF
getStatus() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the status of the command execution.
getTimestamp() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the timestamp of this command.
getUUID() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the UUID of the characteristic this data was read from.
getValue() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the raw response of a command, in bytes.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the value of the command result represented as an int32 (int).
getValueAsString() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Returns the string representation of the command response (in UTF8 encoding).
getWhen() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent


handler - Variable in class si.inova.neatle.Device


i(String) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.util.NeatleLogger
InputSource - Interface in si.inova.neatle.source
An input source that provides byte array data when writing to a BTLE device.
isCanceled() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.Operation
Checks if the operation has been canceled.
isConnected() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
isConnected() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Is this connection established.
isConnecting() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
isConnecting() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Is this connection being established.
isMacValid(String) - Static method in class si.inova.neatle.Neatle
Validates a MAC address.
isStarted() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscription
Check if this subscription is started.
isStarted() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl


Neatle - Class in si.inova.neatle
The starting point of the NeatLE library.
NeatleLogger - Class in si.inova.neatle.util
nextChunk() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource
nextChunk() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.CalllableInputSource
nextChunk() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.source.InputSource
Reads next "chunk" from this stream.


offset - Variable in class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource
ON_IDLE_DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionHandler
ON_IDLE_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionHandler
onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onCharacteristicChanged(CommandResult) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicsChangedListener
Invoked when a characteristic is changed and user should be notified of the change.
onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onCommandError(Operation, Command, int) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationObserver
Invoked when a command has finished unsuccessfully.
onCommandError(Operation, Command, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.SimpleOperationObserver
onCommandStarted(Operation, Command) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationObserver
Invoked when a command has started execution.
onCommandStarted(Operation, Command) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.SimpleOperationObserver
onCommandSuccess(Operation, Command, CommandResult) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationObserver
Invoked when a command has finished successfully.
onCommandSuccess(Operation, Command, CommandResult) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.SimpleOperationObserver
onConnectionIdle(Connection) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionHandler
Called when there is no active subscription or any pending operations.
onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt, int, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onConnectionStateChanged(Connection, int) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionStateListener
onDescriptorRead(BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onDescriptorWrite(BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onError(int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onFinished(CommandResult) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
Called when the command finished, either successfully or not but.
onFinished(OperationObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Sets an OperationObserver that is triggered when all operations have been executed.
onMtuChanged(BluetoothGatt, int, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onNewDeviceFound(ScanEvent) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.scan.Scanner.NewDeviceFoundListener
Invoked the first that the scanner sees the device.
onOperationFinished(Operation, OperationResults) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationObserver
Invoked when an operation has finished either successfully or unsuccessfully.
onOperationFinished(Operation, OperationResults) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.SimpleOperationObserver
onReadRemoteRssi(BluetoothGatt, int, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onReliableWriteCompleted(BluetoothGatt, int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
onScanEvent(ScanEvent) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.scan.Scanner.ScanEventListener
Invoked on every scan event.
onServicesDiscovered(Connection) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.ServicesDiscoveredListener
open() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.ByteArrayInputSource
open() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.CalllableInputSource
open() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.source.InputSource
Opens the stream source.
open() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.source.StringInputSource
Operation - Interface in si.inova.neatle.operation
An operation that combines one or more read and write commands.
OperationBuilder - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
OperationBuilder(Context) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
OperationObserver - Interface in si.inova.neatle.operation
Observes the status of an operation.
OperationResults - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
The combined results of an operation.


putDevice(Device, String) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.util.DeviceManager


read(UUID, UUID) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Reads the the value of a characteristic from a service.
read(UUID, UUID, CommandObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Reads the the value of a characteristic from a service.
removeCharacteristicsChangedListener(UUID, CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
removeCharacteristicsChangedListener(UUID, CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
removeConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
removeConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
removeConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
removeConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Removes a state listener from this connection
removeServicesDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
removeServicesDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
retryCount(int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Set how many times the operation should retry in case of an error.


SCAN_MODE_BALANCED - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
ScanBuilder - Class in si.inova.neatle.scan
Builder class for Scanner objects.
ScanBuilder() - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
ScanEvent - Class in si.inova.neatle.scan
This class represents a Scanner event and holds information associted with it.
ScanEvent(BluetoothDevice, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent
ScanMode - Class in si.inova.neatle.scan
This class represents the scanning mode of a Scanner object.
ScanMode() - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Scanner - Interface in si.inova.neatle.scan
Scanner.NewDeviceFoundListener - Interface in si.inova.neatle.scan
Scanner.ScanEventListener - Interface in si.inova.neatle.scan
ScanRecord - Class in si.inova.neatle.scan
Represents a scan record from a Bluetooth LE scan.
SERVICE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
ServicesDiscoveredListener - Interface in si.inova.neatle
setDuration(long) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Sets how long should the scanner scan until it's suspended.
setInterval(long) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Sets the interval between subsequent scans.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
When true, the connection will stay alive even if there is no active subscription or any pending commands.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
setMode(int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanMode
Sets the scan mode, by default it's set to SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER.
setMode(ScanMode) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.scan.Scanner
Updates the scan mode for this scanner.
setNewDeviceFoundListener(Scanner.NewDeviceFoundListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
Sets the listener that will be called once per discovered device.
setOnCharacteristicsChangedListener(CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscription
Sets the listener that will be called on characteristic changes.
setOnCharacteristicsChangedListener(CharacteristicsChangedListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl
setOnConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Adds a connection state listener to this monitor.
setOnConnectionStateListener(ConnectionStateListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
setOnServiceDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Sets the services discovered listener.
setOnServiceDiscoveredListener(ServicesDiscoveredListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
setScanEventListener(Scanner.ScanEventListener) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanBuilder
Sets the listener that will be called for every scan response.
setTransport(int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.Device
setTransport(int) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.Connection
Set which transport will be used to connect to this device.
setTransport(int) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Set which transport will be used to connect to the device under this monitor.
setTransport(int) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
si.inova.neatle - package si.inova.neatle
si.inova.neatle.monitor - package si.inova.neatle.monitor
si.inova.neatle.operation - package si.inova.neatle.operation
si.inova.neatle.scan - package si.inova.neatle.scan
si.inova.neatle.source - package si.inova.neatle.source
si.inova.neatle.util - package si.inova.neatle.util
SimpleOperationObserver - Class in si.inova.neatle.operation
An empty implementation of OperationObserver
SimpleOperationObserver() - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.operation.SimpleOperationObserver
start() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Starts this connection monitor, if it's not already running.
start() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
start() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscription
Starts listening for characteristics changes.
start() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl
start(Connection, BluetoothGatt) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.Command
Called when the command should start executing.
startScanning(Context) - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.scan.Scanner
Starts scanning until stop scan is invoked.
stop() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitor
Stops this connection monitor, if it's running.
stop() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.monitor.ConnectionMonitorImpl
stop() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscription
Stops listening for characteristics changes.
stop() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CharacteristicSubscriptionImpl
stopScanning() - Method in interface si.inova.neatle.scan.Scanner
Stops scanning.
StringInputSource - Class in si.inova.neatle.source
An input source that provides a string.
StringInputSource(String) - Constructor for class si.inova.neatle.source.StringInputSource
subscribeNotification(UUID, UUID, CommandObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder


toString() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
toString() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanEvent
toString() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.scan.ScanRecord


unsubscribeNotification(UUID, UUID, CommandObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder


wasSuccessful() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.CommandResult
Checks if this command was successful.
wasSuccessful() - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationResults
Indicates whether or not all of the commands in the operation were successful.
write(UUID, UUID, Callable<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Writes data provided by callable.
write(UUID, UUID, InputSource) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Writes data to a characteristic of a service.
write(UUID, UUID, InputSource, CommandObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Writes data to a characteristic of a service.
writeNoResponse(UUID, UUID, InputSource) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Writes data to a characteristic of a service, but does not require a response from the BTLE device.
writeNoResponse(UUID, UUID, InputSource, CommandObserver) - Method in class si.inova.neatle.operation.OperationBuilder
Writes data to a characteristic of a service, but does not require a response from the BTLE device.
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