AclConfiguration |
Indicates that an Amazon S3 canned ACL should be set to control ownership of stored query results.
ApplicationDPUSizes |
Contains the application runtime IDs and their supported DPU sizes.
AthenaError |
Provides information about an Athena query error.
AthenaException.BuilderImpl |
AthenaRequest |
AthenaRequest.BuilderImpl |
AthenaResponse |
AthenaResponse.BuilderImpl |
AthenaResponseMetadata |
BatchGetNamedQueryRequest |
Contains an array of named query IDs.
BatchGetNamedQueryResponse |
BatchGetPreparedStatementRequest |
BatchGetPreparedStatementResponse |
BatchGetQueryExecutionRequest |
Contains an array of query execution IDs.
BatchGetQueryExecutionResponse |
CalculationConfiguration |
Contains configuration information for the calculation.
CalculationResult |
Contains information about an application-specific calculation result.
CalculationStatistics |
Contains statistics for a notebook calculation.
CalculationStatus |
Contains information about the status of a notebook calculation.
CalculationSummary |
Summary information for a notebook calculation.
CancelCapacityReservationRequest |
CancelCapacityReservationResponse |
CapacityAllocation |
Contains the submission time of a single allocation request for a capacity reservation and the most recent status of
the attempted allocation.
CapacityAssignment |
A mapping between one or more workgroups and a capacity reservation.
CapacityAssignmentConfiguration |
Assigns Athena workgroups (and hence their queries) to capacity reservations.
CapacityReservation |
A reservation for a specified number of data processing units (DPUs).
Column |
Contains metadata for a column in a table.
ColumnInfo |
Information about the columns in a query execution result.
CreateCapacityReservationRequest |
CreateCapacityReservationResponse |
CreateDataCatalogRequest |
CreateDataCatalogResponse |
CreateNamedQueryRequest |
CreateNamedQueryResponse |
CreateNotebookRequest |
CreateNotebookResponse |
CreatePreparedStatementRequest |
CreatePreparedStatementResponse |
CreatePresignedNotebookUrlRequest |
CreatePresignedNotebookUrlResponse |
CreateWorkGroupRequest |
CreateWorkGroupResponse |
CustomerContentEncryptionConfiguration |
Specifies the customer managed KMS key that is used to encrypt the user's data stores in Athena.
Database |
Contains metadata information for a database in a data catalog.
DataCatalog |
Contains information about a data catalog in an Amazon Web Services account.
DataCatalogSummary |
The summary information for the data catalog, which includes its name and type.
Datum |
A piece of data (a field in the table).
DeleteCapacityReservationRequest |
DeleteCapacityReservationResponse |
DeleteDataCatalogRequest |
DeleteDataCatalogResponse |
DeleteNamedQueryRequest |
DeleteNamedQueryResponse |
DeleteNotebookRequest |
DeleteNotebookResponse |
DeletePreparedStatementRequest |
DeletePreparedStatementResponse |
DeleteWorkGroupRequest |
DeleteWorkGroupResponse |
EncryptionConfiguration |
If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example,
SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS ) and key information.
EngineConfiguration |
Contains data processing unit (DPU) configuration settings and parameter mappings for a notebook engine.
EngineVersion |
The Athena engine version for running queries, or the PySpark engine version for running sessions.
ExecutorsSummary |
Contains summary information about an executor.
ExportNotebookRequest |
ExportNotebookResponse |
FilterDefinition |
A string for searching notebook names.
GetCalculationExecutionCodeRequest |
GetCalculationExecutionCodeResponse |
GetCalculationExecutionRequest |
GetCalculationExecutionResponse |
GetCalculationExecutionStatusRequest |
GetCalculationExecutionStatusResponse |
GetCapacityAssignmentConfigurationRequest |
GetCapacityAssignmentConfigurationResponse |
GetCapacityReservationRequest |
GetCapacityReservationResponse |
GetDatabaseRequest |
GetDatabaseResponse |
GetDataCatalogRequest |
GetDataCatalogResponse |
GetNamedQueryRequest |
GetNamedQueryResponse |
GetNotebookMetadataRequest |
GetNotebookMetadataResponse |
GetPreparedStatementRequest |
GetPreparedStatementResponse |
GetQueryExecutionRequest |
GetQueryExecutionResponse |
GetQueryResultsRequest |
GetQueryResultsResponse |
GetQueryRuntimeStatisticsRequest |
GetQueryRuntimeStatisticsResponse |
GetSessionRequest |
GetSessionResponse |
GetSessionStatusRequest |
GetSessionStatusResponse |
GetTableMetadataRequest |
GetTableMetadataResponse |
GetWorkGroupRequest |
GetWorkGroupResponse |
IdentityCenterConfiguration |
Specifies whether the workgroup is IAM Identity Center supported.
ImportNotebookRequest |
ImportNotebookResponse |
ListApplicationDpuSizesRequest |
ListApplicationDpuSizesResponse |
ListCalculationExecutionsRequest |
ListCalculationExecutionsResponse |
ListCapacityReservationsRequest |
ListCapacityReservationsResponse |
ListDatabasesRequest |
ListDatabasesResponse |
ListDataCatalogsRequest |
ListDataCatalogsResponse |
ListEngineVersionsRequest |
ListEngineVersionsResponse |
ListExecutorsRequest |
ListExecutorsResponse |
ListNamedQueriesRequest |
ListNamedQueriesResponse |
ListNotebookMetadataRequest |
ListNotebookMetadataResponse |
ListNotebookSessionsRequest |
ListNotebookSessionsResponse |
ListPreparedStatementsRequest |
ListPreparedStatementsResponse |
ListQueryExecutionsRequest |
ListQueryExecutionsResponse |
ListSessionsRequest |
ListSessionsResponse |
ListTableMetadataRequest |
ListTableMetadataResponse |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResponse |
ListWorkGroupsRequest |
ListWorkGroupsResponse |
NamedQuery |
A query, where QueryString contains the SQL statements that make up the query.
NotebookMetadata |
Contains metadata for notebook, including the notebook name, ID, workgroup, and time created.
NotebookSessionSummary |
Contains the notebook session ID and notebook session creation time.
PreparedStatement |
A prepared SQL statement for use with Athena.
PreparedStatementSummary |
The name and last modified time of the prepared statement.
PutCapacityAssignmentConfigurationRequest |
PutCapacityAssignmentConfigurationResponse |
QueryExecution |
Information about a single instance of a query execution.
QueryExecutionContext |
The database and data catalog context in which the query execution occurs.
QueryExecutionStatistics |
The amount of data scanned during the query execution and the amount of time that it took to execute, and the type of
statement that was run.
QueryExecutionStatus |
The completion date, current state, submission time, and state change reason (if applicable) for the query execution.
QueryResultsS3AccessGrantsConfiguration |
Specifies whether Amazon S3 access grants are enabled for query results.
QueryRuntimeStatistics |
The query execution timeline, statistics on input and output rows and bytes, and the different query stages that form
the query execution plan.
QueryRuntimeStatisticsRows |
Statistics such as input rows and bytes read by the query, rows and bytes output by the query, and the number of rows
written by the query.
QueryRuntimeStatisticsTimeline |
Timeline statistics such as query queue time, planning time, execution time, service processing time, and total
execution time.
QueryStage |
Stage statistics such as input and output rows and bytes, execution time and stage state.
QueryStagePlanNode |
Stage plan information such as name, identifier, sub plans, and remote sources.
ResultConfiguration |
The location in Amazon S3 where query and calculation results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for
query and calculation results.
ResultConfigurationUpdates |
The information about the updates in the query results, such as output location and encryption configuration for the
query results.
ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration |
Specifies whether previous query results are reused, and if so, their maximum age.
ResultReuseConfiguration |
Specifies the query result reuse behavior for the query.
ResultReuseInformation |
Contains information about whether the result of a previous query was reused.
ResultSet |
The metadata and rows that make up a query result set.
ResultSetMetadata |
The metadata that describes the column structure and data types of a table of query results.
Row |
The rows that make up a query result table.
SessionConfiguration |
Contains session configuration information.
SessionStatistics |
Contains statistics for a session.
SessionStatus |
Contains information about the status of a session.
SessionSummary |
Contains summary information about a session.
StartCalculationExecutionRequest |
StartCalculationExecutionResponse |
StartQueryExecutionRequest |
StartQueryExecutionResponse |
StartSessionRequest |
StartSessionResponse |
StopCalculationExecutionRequest |
StopCalculationExecutionResponse |
StopQueryExecutionRequest |
StopQueryExecutionResponse |
TableMetadata |
Contains metadata for a table.
Tag |
A label that you assign to a resource.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResponse |
TerminateSessionRequest |
TerminateSessionResponse |
UnprocessedNamedQueryId |
Information about a named query ID that could not be processed.
UnprocessedPreparedStatementName |
The name of a prepared statement that could not be returned.
UnprocessedQueryExecutionId |
Describes a query execution that failed to process.
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResponse |
UpdateCapacityReservationRequest |
UpdateCapacityReservationResponse |
UpdateDataCatalogRequest |
UpdateDataCatalogResponse |
UpdateNamedQueryRequest |
UpdateNamedQueryResponse |
UpdateNotebookMetadataRequest |
UpdateNotebookMetadataResponse |
UpdateNotebookRequest |
UpdateNotebookResponse |
UpdatePreparedStatementRequest |
UpdatePreparedStatementResponse |
UpdateWorkGroupRequest |
UpdateWorkGroupResponse |
WorkGroup |
A workgroup, which contains a name, description, creation time, state, and other configuration, listed under
WorkGroupConfiguration |
The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where query and calculation results are
stored, the encryption option, if any, used for query and calculation results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics
are enabled for the workgroup and whether workgroup settings override query settings, and the data usage limits for
the amount of data scanned per query or per workgroup.
WorkGroupConfigurationUpdates |
The configuration information that will be updated for this workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where
query and calculation results are stored, the encryption option, if any, used for query results, whether the Amazon
CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup, whether the workgroup settings override the client-side settings,
and the data usage limit for the amount of bytes scanned per query, if it is specified.
WorkGroupSummary |
The summary information for the workgroup, which includes its name, state, description, and the date and time it was