Class Aws4SignerUtils

  • public final class Aws4SignerUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods that is used by the different AWS Signer implementations. This class is strictly internal and is subjected to change.
    • Method Detail

      • formatDateStamp

        public static String formatDateStamp​(long timeMilli)
        Returns a string representation of the given date time in yyyyMMdd format. The date returned is in the UTC zone. For example, given a time "1416863450581", this method returns "20141124"
      • formatDateStamp

        public static String formatDateStamp​(Instant instant)
      • formatTimestamp

        public static String formatTimestamp​(long timeMilli)
        Returns a string representation of the given date time in yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' format. The date returned is in the UTC zone. For example, given a time "1416863450581", this method returns "20141124T211050Z"
      • formatTimestamp

        public static String formatTimestamp​(Instant instant)
      • calculateRequestContentLength

        public static long calculateRequestContentLength​(SdkHttpFullRequest.Builder mutableRequest)
        Calculates the content length of a request. If the content-length isn't in the header, the method reads the whole input stream to get the length.