Interface InstanceRefreshLivePoolProgress.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • percentageComplete

        InstanceRefreshLivePoolProgress.Builder percentageComplete​(Integer percentageComplete)

        The percentage of instances in the Auto Scaling group that have been replaced. For each instance replacement, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tracks the instance's health status and warm-up time. When the instance's health status changes to healthy and the specified warm-up time passes, the instance is considered updated and is added to the percentage complete.

        percentageComplete - The percentage of instances in the Auto Scaling group that have been replaced. For each instance replacement, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tracks the instance's health status and warm-up time. When the instance's health status changes to healthy and the specified warm-up time passes, the instance is considered updated and is added to the percentage complete.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesToUpdate

        InstanceRefreshLivePoolProgress.Builder instancesToUpdate​(Integer instancesToUpdate)

        The number of instances remaining to update.

        instancesToUpdate - The number of instances remaining to update.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.