Interface NamingStrategy

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NamingStrategy
    Strategy to name various Java constructs based on the naming in the model and potentially customizations.
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceName

        String getServiceName()
        Retrieve the service name that should be used based on the model.
      • getClientPackageName

        String getClientPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the client package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getModelPackageName

        String getModelPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the model package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getTransformPackageName

        String getTransformPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the transform package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getRequestTransformPackageName

        String getRequestTransformPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the request transform package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getPaginatorsPackageName

        String getPaginatorsPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the paginators package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getWaitersPackageName

        String getWaitersPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the waiters package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getEndpointRulesPackageName

        String getEndpointRulesPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the endpoint rules package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getAuthSchemePackageName

        String getAuthSchemePackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the auth scheme package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getSmokeTestPackageName

        String getSmokeTestPackageName​(String serviceName)
        Retrieve the smote test package name that should be used based on the service name.
      • getExceptionName

        String getExceptionName​(String errorShapeName)
        errorShapeName - Name of error shape to derive exception class name from.
        Appropriate name to use for a Java exception class name
      • getRequestClassName

        String getRequestClassName​(String operationName)
        operationName - Name of operation used to derive request class name.
        Appropriate name to use for the Java class representing the request shape.
      • getResponseClassName

        String getResponseClassName​(String operationName)
        operationName - Name of operation used to derive response class name.
        Appropriate name to use for the Java class representing the response shape.
      • getVariableName

        String getVariableName​(String name)
        name - Some contextual name to derive variable name from (i.e. member name, java class name, etc).
        Appropriate name to use for a Java variable or field.
      • getEnumValueName

        String getEnumValueName​(String enumValue)
        enumValue - Enum value as defined in the service model used to derive the java name.
        Appropriate name to use for a Java enum value
      • getShapeClassName

        String getShapeClassName​(String shapeName)
        shapeName - Name of structure used to derive Java class name.
        Appropriate name to use for a Java class for an arbitrary (not a request, response, error) structure.
      • getFluentGetterMethodName

        String getFluentGetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                         Shape parentShape,
                                         Shape shape)
        memberName - Member name to name getter for.
        shape - The shape associated with the member.
        Name of the getter method for a model class member.
      • getFluentEnumGetterMethodName

        String getFluentEnumGetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                             Shape parentShape,
                                             Shape shape)
        memberName - The full member to get the name for.
        shape - The shape associated with the member.
        Name of the getter method for an enum model class member.
      • getBeanStyleGetterMethodName

        String getBeanStyleGetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                            Shape parentShape,
                                            Shape c2jShape)
        memberName - Member name to name getter for.
        Name of the JavaBean getter method for model class member.
      • getBeanStyleSetterMethodName

        String getBeanStyleSetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                            Shape parentShape,
                                            Shape c2jShape)
        memberName - Member name to name setter for.
        Name of the JavaBean setter method for model class member.
      • getFluentSetterMethodName

        String getFluentSetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                         Shape parentShape,
                                         Shape shape)
        memberName - Member name to name fluent setter for.
        Appropriate name to use for fluent setter method (i.e. withFoo) for a model class member.
      • getFluentEnumSetterMethodName

        String getFluentEnumSetterMethodName​(String memberName,
                                             Shape parentShape,
                                             Shape shape)
        memberName - The full member to get the name for.
        shape - The shape associated with the member.
        Name of the getter method for an enum model class member.
      • getSdkFieldFieldName

        String getSdkFieldFieldName​(MemberModel memberModel)
        Stuttering is intentional, returns the name of the SdkField field.
        memberModel - Member to generate field name for.
        Name of field for SdkField pojo.
      • getUnionEnumTypeName

        String getUnionEnumTypeName​(MemberModel memberModel)
        Returns the name of the provided member as if it will be included in an enum (as in, when the parent shape is a union and we need to create an enum with each member name in it).
        memberModel - Member to generate the union enum type name for.
      • getExistenceCheckMethodName

        String getExistenceCheckMethodName​(String memberName,
                                           Shape parentShape)
        Names a method that would check for existence of the member in the response.
        memberName - The member name to get the method name for.
        parentShape - The shape containing the member.
        Name of an existence check method.
      • validateCustomerVisibleNaming

        void validateCustomerVisibleNaming​(IntermediateModel trimmedModel)
        Verify the customer-visible naming in the provided intermediate model will compile and is idiomatic to Java.