Class ShapeModifier

  • public class ShapeModifier
    extends Object
    Use shapeModifiers customization to add/remove shape members or to modify the properties of a member.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShapeModifier

        public ShapeModifier()
    • Method Detail

      • isExcludeShape

        public boolean isExcludeShape()
        true if the whole shape should be excluded.
      • setExcludeShape

        public void setExcludeShape​(boolean excludeShape)
      • getExclude

        public List<String> getExclude()
        A list of member names that should be excluded when processing the given shape.
      • setExclude

        public void setExclude​(List<String> exclude)
      • getModify

        public List<Map<String,​ModifyModelShapeModifier>> getModify()
        List of singleton maps, each containing the name of a shape member, and the modifications that we want to apply to it.
      • getInject

        public List<Map<String,​Member>> getInject()
        A list of singleton maps, each containing a custom member that we want to inject to this shape.
      • getStaxTargetDepthOffset

        public Integer getStaxTargetDepthOffset()
        the depth offset to use during staxUnmarshalling
      • setStaxTargetDepthOffset

        public void setStaxTargetDepthOffset​(Integer staxTargetDepthOffset)
      • isUnion

        public Boolean isUnion()
      • setUnion

        public void setUnion​(Boolean union)