Class JmesPathAcceptorGenerator

  • public class JmesPathAcceptorGenerator
    extends Object
    A code interpreter for converting JMESPath expressions into Java expressions. This can convert a JMESPath expression into a statement that executes against an SdkPojo. The statements generated by this interpreter make heavy use of the WaitersRuntime.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JmesPathAcceptorGenerator

        public JmesPathAcceptorGenerator​(com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName waitersRuntimeClass)
    • Method Detail

      • interpret

        public com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock interpret​(String expression,
                                                         String inputValue)
        Interpret the provided expression into a java statement that executes against the provided input value. This inputValue should be a JMESPath Value in scope.