AcceptDataGrantRequest |
AcceptDataGrantResponse |
Action |
What occurs after a certain event.
ApiGatewayApiAsset |
The API Gateway API that is the asset.
AssetDestinationEntry |
The destination for the asset.
AssetDetails |
Details about the asset.
AssetEntry |
An asset in AWS Data Exchange is a piece of data (Amazon S3 object) or a means of fulfilling data (Amazon Redshift
datashare or Amazon API Gateway API, AWS Lake Formation data permission, or Amazon S3 data access).
AssetSourceEntry |
The source of the assets.
AutoExportRevisionDestinationEntry |
A revision destination is the Amazon S3 bucket folder destination to where the export will be sent.
AutoExportRevisionToS3RequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
CancelJobRequest |
CancelJobResponse |
CreateDataGrantRequest |
CreateDataGrantResponse |
CreateDataSetRequest |
CreateDataSetResponse |
CreateEventActionRequest |
CreateEventActionResponse |
CreateJobRequest |
CreateJobResponse |
CreateRevisionRequest |
CreateRevisionResponse |
CreateS3DataAccessFromS3BucketRequestDetails |
Details of the operation to create an Amazon S3 data access from an S3 bucket.
CreateS3DataAccessFromS3BucketResponseDetails |
Details about the response of the operation to create an S3 data access from an S3 bucket.
DatabaseLFTagPolicy |
The LF-tag policy for database resources.
DatabaseLFTagPolicyAndPermissions |
The LF-tag policy and permissions for database resources.
DataExchangeException.BuilderImpl |
DataExchangeRequest |
DataExchangeRequest.BuilderImpl |
DataExchangeResponse |
DataExchangeResponse.BuilderImpl |
DataExchangeResponseMetadata |
DataGrantSummaryEntry |
Information about a data grant.
DataSetEntry |
A data set is an AWS resource with one or more revisions.
DataUpdateRequestDetails |
Extra details specific to a data update type notification.
DeleteAssetRequest |
DeleteAssetResponse |
DeleteDataGrantRequest |
DeleteDataGrantResponse |
DeleteDataSetRequest |
DeleteDataSetResponse |
DeleteEventActionRequest |
DeleteEventActionResponse |
DeleteRevisionRequest |
DeleteRevisionResponse |
DeprecationRequestDetails |
Extra details specific to a deprecation type notification.
Details |
Information about the job error.
Event |
What occurs to start an action.
EventActionEntry |
An event action is an object that defines the relationship between a specific event and an automated action that will
be taken on behalf of the customer.
ExportAssetsToS3RequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
ExportAssetsToS3ResponseDetails |
Details about the export to Amazon S3 response.
ExportAssetToSignedUrlRequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
ExportAssetToSignedUrlResponseDetails |
The details of the export to signed URL response.
ExportRevisionsToS3RequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
ExportRevisionsToS3ResponseDetails |
Details about the export revisions to Amazon S3 response.
ExportServerSideEncryption |
Encryption configuration of the export job.
GetAssetRequest |
GetAssetResponse |
GetDataGrantRequest |
GetDataGrantResponse |
GetDataSetRequest |
GetDataSetResponse |
GetEventActionRequest |
GetEventActionResponse |
GetJobRequest |
GetJobResponse |
GetReceivedDataGrantRequest |
GetReceivedDataGrantResponse |
GetRevisionRequest |
GetRevisionResponse |
ImportAssetFromApiGatewayApiRequestDetails |
The request details.
ImportAssetFromApiGatewayApiResponseDetails |
The response details.
ImportAssetFromSignedUrlJobErrorDetails |
Details about the job error.
ImportAssetFromSignedUrlRequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
ImportAssetFromSignedUrlResponseDetails |
The details in the response for an import request, including the signed URL and other information.
ImportAssetsFromLakeFormationTagPolicyRequestDetails |
Details about the assets imported from an AWS Lake Formation tag policy request.
ImportAssetsFromLakeFormationTagPolicyResponseDetails |
Details from an import AWS Lake Formation tag policy job response.
ImportAssetsFromRedshiftDataSharesRequestDetails |
Details from an import from Amazon Redshift datashare request.
ImportAssetsFromRedshiftDataSharesResponseDetails |
Details from an import from Amazon Redshift datashare response.
ImportAssetsFromS3RequestDetails |
Details of the operation to be performed by the job.
ImportAssetsFromS3ResponseDetails |
Details from an import from Amazon S3 response.
JobEntry |
AWS Data Exchange Jobs are asynchronous import or export operations used to create or copy assets.
JobError |
An error that occurred with the job request.
KmsKeyToGrant |
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key used to encrypt the shared S3 objects.
LakeFormationDataPermissionAsset |
The AWS Lake Formation data permission asset.
LakeFormationDataPermissionDetails |
Details about the AWS Lake Formation data permission.
LakeFormationTagPolicyDetails |
Extra details specific to the affected scope in this LF data set.
LFResourceDetails |
Details about the AWS Lake Formation resource (Table or Database) included in the AWS Lake Formation data permission.
LFTag |
A structure that allows an LF-admin to grant permissions on certain conditions.
LFTagPolicyDetails |
Details about the LF-tag policy.
ListDataGrantsRequest |
ListDataGrantsResponse |
ListDataSetRevisionsRequest |
ListDataSetRevisionsResponse |
ListDataSetsRequest |
ListDataSetsResponse |
ListEventActionsRequest |
ListEventActionsResponse |
ListJobsRequest |
ListJobsResponse |
ListReceivedDataGrantsRequest |
ListReceivedDataGrantsResponse |
ListRevisionAssetsRequest |
ListRevisionAssetsResponse |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResponse |
NotificationDetails |
Extra details specific to this notification.
OriginDetails |
Details about the origin of the data set.
ReceivedDataGrantSummariesEntry |
Information about a received data grant.
RedshiftDataShareAsset |
The Amazon Redshift datashare asset.
RedshiftDataShareAssetSourceEntry |
The source of the Amazon Redshift datashare asset.
RedshiftDataShareDetails |
Extra details specific to the affected scope in this Redshift data set.
RequestDetails |
The details for the request.
ResponseDetails |
Details for the response.
RevisionDestinationEntry |
The destination where the assets in the revision will be exported.
RevisionEntry |
A revision is a container for one or more assets.
RevisionPublished |
Information about the published revision.
RevokeRevisionRequest |
RevokeRevisionResponse |
S3DataAccessAsset |
The Amazon S3 data access that is the asset.
S3DataAccessAssetSourceEntry |
Source details for an Amazon S3 data access asset.
S3DataAccessDetails |
Extra details specific to the affected scope in this S3 Data Access data set.
S3SnapshotAsset |
The Amazon S3 object that is the asset.
SchemaChangeDetails |
Object encompassing information about a schema change to a single, particular field, a notification can have up to
100 of these.
SchemaChangeRequestDetails |
Extra details specific to this schema change type notification.
ScopeDetails |
Details about the scope of the notifications such as the affected resources.
SendDataSetNotificationRequest |
SendDataSetNotificationResponse |
StartJobRequest |
StartJobResponse |
TableLFTagPolicy |
The LF-tag policy for a table resource.
TableLFTagPolicyAndPermissions |
The LF-tag policy and permissions that apply to table resources.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResponse |
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResponse |
UpdateAssetRequest |
UpdateAssetResponse |
UpdateDataSetRequest |
UpdateDataSetResponse |
UpdateEventActionRequest |
UpdateEventActionResponse |
UpdateRevisionRequest |
UpdateRevisionResponse |