Methods Method Description software.amazon.awssdk.services.ecr.model.GetAuthorizationTokenRequest.Builder.registryIds(Collection<String>) This field is deprecated. The returned authorization token can be used to access any Amazon ECR registry that the IAM principal has access to, specifying a registry ID doesn't change the permissions scope of the authorization token.software.amazon.awssdk.services.ecr.model.GetAuthorizationTokenRequest.hasRegistryIds() This field is deprecated. The returned authorization token can be used to access any Amazon ECR registry that the IAM principal has access to, specifying a registry ID doesn't change the permissions scope of the authorization token.software.amazon.awssdk.services.ecr.model.GetAuthorizationTokenRequest.registryIds() This field is deprecated. The returned authorization token can be used to access any Amazon ECR registry that the IAM principal has access to, specifying a registry ID doesn't change the permissions scope of the authorization token.