AddInstanceFleetRequest |
AddInstanceFleetResponse |
AddInstanceGroupsRequest |
Input to an AddInstanceGroups call.
AddInstanceGroupsResponse |
Output from an AddInstanceGroups call.
AddJobFlowStepsRequest |
AddJobFlowStepsResponse |
AddTagsRequest |
This input identifies an Amazon EMR resource and a list of tags to attach.
AddTagsResponse |
This output indicates the result of adding tags to a resource.
Application |
With Amazon EMR release version 4.0 and higher, the only accepted parameter is the application name.
AutoScalingPolicy |
An automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster.
AutoScalingPolicyDescription |
An automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster.
AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason |
AutoScalingPolicyStatus |
The status of an automatic scaling policy.
AutoTerminationPolicy |
An auto-termination policy for an Amazon EMR cluster.
BlockPublicAccessConfiguration |
A configuration for Amazon EMR block public access.
BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata |
Properties that describe the Amazon Web Services principal that created the
BlockPublicAccessConfiguration using the PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration action as well
as the date and time that the configuration was created.
BootstrapActionConfig |
Configuration of a bootstrap action.
CancelStepsInfo |
Specification of the status of a CancelSteps request.
CancelStepsRequest |
CancelStepsResponse |
CloudWatchAlarmDefinition |
The definition of a CloudWatch metric alarm, which determines when an automatic scaling activity is triggered.
Cluster |
The detailed description of the cluster.
ClusterStateChangeReason |
The reason that the cluster changed to its current state.
ClusterStatus |
The detailed status of the cluster.
ClusterSummary |
The summary description of the cluster.
ClusterTimeline |
Represents the timeline of the cluster's lifecycle.
Command |
An entity describing an executable that runs on a cluster.
ComputeLimits |
The Amazon EC2 unit limits for a managed scaling policy.
Configuration |
CreateSecurityConfigurationRequest |
CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse |
CreateStudioRequest |
CreateStudioResponse |
CreateStudioSessionMappingRequest |
CreateStudioSessionMappingResponse |
Credentials |
The credentials that you can use to connect to cluster endpoints.
DeleteSecurityConfigurationRequest |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationResponse |
DeleteStudioRequest |
DeleteStudioResponse |
DeleteStudioSessionMappingRequest |
DeleteStudioSessionMappingResponse |
DescribeClusterRequest |
This input determines which cluster to describe.
DescribeClusterResponse |
This output contains the description of the cluster.
DescribeNotebookExecutionRequest |
DescribeNotebookExecutionResponse |
DescribeReleaseLabelRequest |
DescribeReleaseLabelResponse |
DescribeSecurityConfigurationRequest |
DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse |
DescribeStepRequest |
This input determines which step to describe.
DescribeStepResponse |
This output contains the description of the cluster step.
DescribeStudioRequest |
DescribeStudioResponse |
EbsBlockDevice |
Configuration of requested EBS block device associated with the instance group.
EbsBlockDeviceConfig |
Configuration of requested EBS block device associated with the instance group with count of volumes that are
associated to every instance.
EbsConfiguration |
The Amazon EBS configuration of a cluster instance.
EbsVolume |
EBS block device that's attached to an Amazon EC2 instance.
Ec2InstanceAttributes |
Provides information about the Amazon EC2 instances in a cluster grouped by category.
EmrException.BuilderImpl |
EmrRequest |
EmrRequest.BuilderImpl |
EmrResponse |
EmrResponse.BuilderImpl |
EmrResponseMetadata |
ErrorDetail |
A tuple that provides information about an error that caused a cluster to terminate.
ExecutionEngineConfig |
Specifies the execution engine (cluster) to run the notebook and perform the notebook execution, for example, an
Amazon EMR cluster.
FailureDetails |
The details of the step failure.
GetAutoTerminationPolicyRequest |
GetAutoTerminationPolicyResponse |
GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationRequest |
GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse |
GetClusterSessionCredentialsRequest |
GetClusterSessionCredentialsResponse |
GetManagedScalingPolicyRequest |
GetManagedScalingPolicyResponse |
GetStudioSessionMappingRequest |
GetStudioSessionMappingResponse |
HadoopJarStepConfig |
A job flow step consisting of a JAR file whose main function will be executed.
HadoopStepConfig |
A cluster step consisting of a JAR file whose main function will be executed.
Instance |
Represents an Amazon EC2 instance provisioned as part of cluster.
InstanceFleet |
Describes an instance fleet, which is a group of Amazon EC2 instances that host a particular node type (master, core,
or task) in an Amazon EMR cluster.
InstanceFleetConfig |
The configuration that defines an instance fleet.
InstanceFleetModifyConfig |
Configuration parameters for an instance fleet modification request.
InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications |
The launch specification for Spot Instances in the fleet, which determines the defined duration, provisioning timeout
behavior, and allocation strategy.
InstanceFleetResizingSpecifications |
The resize specification for On-Demand and Spot Instances in the fleet.
InstanceFleetStateChangeReason |
Provides status change reason details for the instance fleet.
InstanceFleetStatus |
The status of the instance fleet.
InstanceFleetTimeline |
Provides historical timestamps for the instance fleet, including the time of creation, the time it became ready to
run jobs, and the time of termination.
InstanceGroup |
This entity represents an instance group, which is a group of instances that have common purpose.
InstanceGroupConfig |
Configuration defining a new instance group.
InstanceGroupModifyConfig |
Modify the size or configurations of an instance group.
InstanceGroupStateChangeReason |
The status change reason details for the instance group.
InstanceGroupStatus |
The details of the instance group status.
InstanceGroupTimeline |
The timeline of the instance group lifecycle.
InstanceResizePolicy |
Custom policy for requesting termination protection or termination of specific instances when shrinking an instance
InstanceStateChangeReason |
The details of the status change reason for the instance.
InstanceStatus |
The instance status details.
InstanceTimeline |
The timeline of the instance lifecycle.
InstanceTypeConfig |
An instance type configuration for each instance type in an instance fleet, which determines the Amazon EC2 instances
Amazon EMR attempts to provision to fulfill On-Demand and Spot target capacities.
InstanceTypeSpecification |
The configuration specification for each instance type in an instance fleet.
JobFlowInstancesConfig |
A description of the Amazon EC2 instance on which the cluster (job flow) runs.
KerberosAttributes |
Attributes for Kerberos configuration when Kerberos authentication is enabled using a security configuration.
KeyValue |
A key-value pair.
ListBootstrapActionsRequest |
This input determines which bootstrap actions to retrieve.
ListBootstrapActionsResponse |
This output contains the bootstrap actions detail.
ListClustersRequest |
This input determines how the ListClusters action filters the list of clusters that it returns.
ListClustersResponse |
This contains a ClusterSummaryList with the cluster details; for example, the cluster IDs, names, and status.
ListInstanceFleetsRequest |
ListInstanceFleetsResponse |
ListInstanceGroupsRequest |
This input determines which instance groups to retrieve.
ListInstanceGroupsResponse |
This input determines which instance groups to retrieve.
ListInstancesRequest |
This input determines which instances to list.
ListInstancesResponse |
This output contains the list of instances.
ListNotebookExecutionsRequest |
ListNotebookExecutionsResponse |
ListReleaseLabelsRequest |
ListReleaseLabelsResponse |
ListSecurityConfigurationsRequest |
ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse |
ListStepsRequest |
This input determines which steps to list.
ListStepsResponse |
This output contains the list of steps returned in reverse order.
ListStudioSessionMappingsRequest |
ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse |
ListStudiosRequest |
ListStudiosResponse |
ListSupportedInstanceTypesRequest |
ListSupportedInstanceTypesResponse |
ManagedScalingPolicy |
Managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster.
MetricDimension |
A CloudWatch dimension, which is specified using a Key (known as a Name in CloudWatch),
Value pair.
ModifyClusterRequest |
ModifyClusterResponse |
ModifyInstanceFleetRequest |
ModifyInstanceFleetResponse |
ModifyInstanceGroupsRequest |
Change the size of some instance groups.
ModifyInstanceGroupsResponse |
NotebookExecution |
A notebook execution.
NotebookExecutionSummary |
Details for a notebook execution.
NotebookS3LocationForOutput |
The Amazon S3 location that stores the notebook execution input.
NotebookS3LocationFromInput |
The Amazon S3 location that stores the notebook execution input.
OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions |
Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.
OnDemandProvisioningSpecification |
The launch specification for On-Demand Instances in the instance fleet, which determines the allocation strategy.
OnDemandResizingSpecification |
The resize specification for On-Demand Instances in the instance fleet, which contains the resize timeout period.
OSRelease |
The Amazon Linux release specified for a cluster in the RunJobFlow request.
OutputNotebookS3LocationForOutput |
The Amazon S3 location that stores the notebook execution output.
OutputNotebookS3LocationFromInput |
The Amazon S3 location that stores the notebook execution output.
PlacementGroupConfig |
Placement group configuration for an Amazon EMR cluster.
PlacementType |
The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone configuration of the cluster (job flow).
PortRange |
A list of port ranges that are permitted to allow inbound traffic from all public IP addresses.
PutAutoScalingPolicyRequest |
PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse |
PutAutoTerminationPolicyRequest |
PutAutoTerminationPolicyResponse |
PutBlockPublicAccessConfigurationRequest |
PutBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse |
PutManagedScalingPolicyRequest |
PutManagedScalingPolicyResponse |
ReleaseLabelFilter |
The release label filters by application or version prefix.
RemoveAutoScalingPolicyRequest |
RemoveAutoScalingPolicyResponse |
RemoveAutoTerminationPolicyRequest |
RemoveAutoTerminationPolicyResponse |
RemoveManagedScalingPolicyRequest |
RemoveManagedScalingPolicyResponse |
RemoveTagsRequest |
This input identifies an Amazon EMR resource and a list of tags to remove.
RemoveTagsResponse |
This output indicates the result of removing tags from the resource.
RunJobFlowRequest |
RunJobFlowResponse |
ScalingAction |
The type of adjustment the automatic scaling activity makes when triggered, and the periodicity of the adjustment.
ScalingConstraints |
The upper and lower Amazon EC2 instance limits for an automatic scaling policy.
ScalingRule |
A scale-in or scale-out rule that defines scaling activity, including the CloudWatch metric alarm that triggers
activity, how Amazon EC2 instances are added or removed, and the periodicity of adjustments.
ScalingTrigger |
The conditions that trigger an automatic scaling activity.
ScriptBootstrapActionConfig |
Configuration of the script to run during a bootstrap action.
SecurityConfigurationSummary |
The creation date and time, and name, of a security configuration.
SessionMappingDetail |
Details for an Amazon EMR Studio session mapping including creation time, user or group ID, Studio ID, and so on.
SessionMappingSummary |
Details for an Amazon EMR Studio session mapping.
SetTerminationProtectionRequest |
SetTerminationProtectionResponse |
SetVisibleToAllUsersRequest |
The input to the SetVisibleToAllUsers action.
SetVisibleToAllUsersResponse |
ShrinkPolicy |
Policy for customizing shrink operations.
SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration |
An automatic scaling configuration, which describes how the policy adds or removes instances, the cooldown period,
and the number of Amazon EC2 instances that will be added each time the CloudWatch metric alarm condition is
SimplifiedApplication |
The returned release label application names or versions.
SpotProvisioningSpecification |
The launch specification for Spot Instances in the instance fleet, which determines the defined duration,
provisioning timeout behavior, and allocation strategy.
SpotResizingSpecification |
The resize specification for Spot Instances in the instance fleet, which contains the resize timeout period.
StartNotebookExecutionRequest |
StartNotebookExecutionResponse |
Step |
This represents a step in a cluster.
StepConfig |
Specification for a cluster (job flow) step.
StepStateChangeReason |
The details of the step state change reason.
StepStatus |
The execution status details of the cluster step.
StepSummary |
The summary of the cluster step.
StepTimeline |
The timeline of the cluster step lifecycle.
StopNotebookExecutionRequest |
StopNotebookExecutionResponse |
Studio |
Details for an Amazon EMR Studio including ID, creation time, name, and so on.
StudioSummary |
Details for an Amazon EMR Studio, including ID, Name, VPC, and Description.
SupportedInstanceType |
An instance type that the specified Amazon EMR release supports.
SupportedProductConfig |
The list of supported product configurations that allow user-supplied arguments.
Tag |
A key-value pair containing user-defined metadata that you can associate with an Amazon EMR resource.
TerminateJobFlowsRequest |
TerminateJobFlowsResponse |
UpdateStudioRequest |
UpdateStudioResponse |
UpdateStudioSessionMappingRequest |
UpdateStudioSessionMappingResponse |
UsernamePassword |
The username and password that you use to connect to cluster endpoints.
VolumeSpecification |
EBS volume specifications such as volume type, IOPS, size (GiB) and throughput (MiB/s) that are requested for the EBS
volume attached to an Amazon EC2 instance in the cluster.