Interface ListenerInvokingChannelPool.ChannelPoolListener

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void channelAcquired​( channel)
      Called after a Channel was acquired by calling ChannelPool.acquire() or ChannelPool.acquire(Promise).
      default void channelReleased​( channel)
      Called before a Channel is released by calling ChannelPool.release(Channel) or ChannelPool.release(Channel, Promise).
    • Method Detail

      • channelAcquired

        default void channelAcquired​( channel)
        Called after a Channel was acquired by calling ChannelPool.acquire() or ChannelPool.acquire(Promise).

        This method will be called by the EventLoop of the Channel.

      • channelReleased

        default void channelReleased​( channel)
        Called before a Channel is released by calling ChannelPool.release(Channel) or ChannelPool.release(Channel, Promise).

        This method will be called by the EventLoop of the Channel.