Class Target

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, SdkPojo, ToCopyableBuilder<Target.Builder,​Target>

    public final class Target
    extends Object
    implements SdkPojo, Serializable, ToCopyableBuilder<Target.Builder,​Target>

    An array of search criteria that targets managed nodes using a key-value pair that you specify.

    One or more targets must be specified for maintenance window Run Command-type tasks. Depending on the task, targets are optional for other maintenance window task types (Automation, Lambda, and Step Functions). For more information about running tasks that don't specify targets, see Registering maintenance window tasks without targets in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

    Supported formats include the following.

    • Key=InstanceIds,Values=<instance-id-1>,<instance-id-2>,<instance-id-3>

    • Key=tag:<my-tag-key>,Values=<my-tag-value-1>,<my-tag-value-2>

    • Key=tag-key,Values=<my-tag-key-1>,<my-tag-key-2>

    • Run Command and Maintenance window targets only: Key=resource-groups:Name,Values=<resource-group-name>

    • Maintenance window targets only: Key=resource-groups:ResourceTypeFilters,Values=<resource-type-1>,<resource-type-2>

    • Automation targets only: Key=ResourceGroup;Values=<resource-group-name>

    For example:

    • Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE,i-0471e04240EXAMPLE,i-07782c72faEXAMPLE

    • Key=tag:CostCenter,Values=CostCenter1,CostCenter2,CostCenter3

    • Key=tag-key,Values=Name,Instance-Type,CostCenter

    • Run Command and Maintenance window targets only: Key=resource-groups:Name,Values=ProductionResourceGroup

      This example demonstrates how to target all resources in the resource group ProductionResourceGroup in your maintenance window.

    • Maintenance window targets only: Key=resource-groups:ResourceTypeFilters,Values=AWS::EC2::INSTANCE,AWS::EC2::VPC

      This example demonstrates how to target only Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and VPCs in your maintenance window.

    • Automation targets only: Key=ResourceGroup,Values=MyResourceGroup

    • State Manager association targets only: Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

      This example demonstrates how to target all managed instances in the Amazon Web Services Region where the association was created.

    For more information about how to send commands that target managed nodes using Key,Value parameters, see Targeting multiple instances in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • key

        public final String key()

        User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.

        User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.
      • hasValues

        public final boolean hasValues()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Values property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • values

        public final List<String> values()

        User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasValues() method.

        User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

      • serializableBuilderClass

        public static Class<? extends Target.Builder> serializableBuilderClass()
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)