Class MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity

    • Method Detail

      • windowExecutionId

        public final String windowExecutionId()

        The ID of the maintenance window execution that ran the task.

        The ID of the maintenance window execution that ran the task.
      • taskExecutionId

        public final String taskExecutionId()

        The ID of the specific task execution in the maintenance window execution.

        The ID of the specific task execution in the maintenance window execution.
      • invocationId

        public final String invocationId()

        The ID of the task invocation.

        The ID of the task invocation.
      • executionId

        public final String executionId()

        The ID of the action performed in the service that actually handled the task invocation. If the task type is RUN_COMMAND, this value is the command ID.

        The ID of the action performed in the service that actually handled the task invocation. If the task type is RUN_COMMAND, this value is the command ID.
      • parameters

        public final String parameters()

        The parameters that were provided for the invocation when it was run.

        The parameters that were provided for the invocation when it was run.
      • statusDetails

        public final String statusDetails()

        The details explaining the status of the task invocation. Not available for all status values.

        The details explaining the status of the task invocation. Not available for all status values.
      • startTime

        public final Instant startTime()

        The time the invocation started.

        The time the invocation started.
      • endTime

        public final Instant endTime()

        The time the invocation finished.

        The time the invocation finished.
      • ownerInformation

        public final String ownerInformation()

        User-provided value that was specified when the target was registered with the maintenance window. This was also included in any Amazon CloudWatch Events events raised during the task invocation.

        User-provided value that was specified when the target was registered with the maintenance window. This was also included in any Amazon CloudWatch Events events raised during the task invocation.
      • windowTargetId

        public final String windowTargetId()

        The ID of the target definition in this maintenance window the invocation was performed for.

        The ID of the target definition in this maintenance window the invocation was performed for.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)