AccessDeniedException.Builder |
Adapter |
An adapter selected for use when analyzing documents.
Adapter.Builder |
AdapterOverview |
Contains information on the adapter, including the adapter ID, Name, Creation time, and feature types.
AdapterOverview.Builder |
AdaptersConfig |
Contains information about adapters used when analyzing a document, with each adapter specified using an AdapterId
and version
AdaptersConfig.Builder |
AdapterVersionDatasetConfig |
The dataset configuration options for a given version of an adapter.
AdapterVersionDatasetConfig.Builder |
AdapterVersionEvaluationMetric |
Contains information on the metrics used to evalute the peformance of a given adapter version.
AdapterVersionEvaluationMetric.Builder |
AdapterVersionOverview |
Summary info for an adapter version.
AdapterVersionOverview.Builder |
AdapterVersionStatus |
AnalyzeDocumentRequest.Builder |
AnalyzeDocumentResponse.Builder |
AnalyzeExpenseRequest.Builder |
AnalyzeExpenseResponse.Builder |
AnalyzeIDDetections |
Used to contain the information detected by an AnalyzeID operation.
AnalyzeIDDetections.Builder |
AnalyzeIdRequest.Builder |
AnalyzeIdResponse.Builder |
AutoUpdate |
BadDocumentException.Builder |
Block |
A Block represents items that are recognized in a document within a group of pixels close to each other.
Block.Builder |
BlockType |
BoundingBox |
The bounding box around the detected page, text, key-value pair, table, table cell, or selection element on a
document page.
BoundingBox.Builder |
ConflictException.Builder |
ContentClassifier |
CreateAdapterRequest.Builder |
CreateAdapterResponse.Builder |
CreateAdapterVersionRequest.Builder |
CreateAdapterVersionResponse.Builder |
DeleteAdapterRequest.Builder |
DeleteAdapterResponse.Builder |
DeleteAdapterVersionRequest.Builder |
DeleteAdapterVersionResponse.Builder |
DetectDocumentTextRequest.Builder |
DetectDocumentTextResponse.Builder |
DetectedSignature |
A structure that holds information regarding a detected signature on a page.
DetectedSignature.Builder |
Document |
The input document, either as bytes or as an S3 object.
Document.Builder |
DocumentGroup |
Summary information about documents grouped by the same document type.
DocumentGroup.Builder |
DocumentLocation |
The Amazon S3 bucket that contains the document to be processed.
DocumentLocation.Builder |
DocumentMetadata |
Information about the input document.
DocumentMetadata.Builder |
DocumentTooLargeException.Builder |
EntityType |
EvaluationMetric |
The evaluation metrics (F1 score, Precision, and Recall) for an adapter version.
EvaluationMetric.Builder |
ExpenseCurrency |
Returns the kind of currency detected.
ExpenseCurrency.Builder |
ExpenseDetection |
An object used to store information about the Value or Label detected by Amazon Textract.
ExpenseDetection.Builder |
ExpenseDocument |
The structure holding all the information returned by AnalyzeExpense
ExpenseDocument.Builder |
ExpenseField |
Breakdown of detected information, seperated into the catagories Type, LabelDetection, and ValueDetection
ExpenseField.Builder |
ExpenseGroupProperty |
Shows the group that a certain key belongs to.
ExpenseGroupProperty.Builder |
ExpenseType |
An object used to store information about the Type detected by Amazon Textract.
ExpenseType.Builder |
Extraction |
Contains information extracted by an analysis operation after using StartLendingAnalysis.
Extraction.Builder |
FeatureType |
Geometry |
Information about where the following items are located on a document page: detected page, text, key-value pairs,
tables, table cells, and selection elements.
Geometry.Builder |
GetAdapterRequest.Builder |
GetAdapterResponse.Builder |
GetAdapterVersionRequest.Builder |
GetAdapterVersionResponse.Builder |
GetDocumentAnalysisRequest.Builder |
GetDocumentAnalysisResponse.Builder |
GetDocumentTextDetectionRequest.Builder |
GetDocumentTextDetectionResponse.Builder |
GetExpenseAnalysisRequest.Builder |
GetExpenseAnalysisResponse.Builder |
GetLendingAnalysisRequest.Builder |
GetLendingAnalysisResponse.Builder |
GetLendingAnalysisSummaryRequest.Builder |
GetLendingAnalysisSummaryResponse.Builder |
HumanLoopActivationOutput |
Shows the results of the human in the loop evaluation.
HumanLoopActivationOutput.Builder |
HumanLoopConfig |
Sets up the human review workflow the document will be sent to if one of the conditions is met.
HumanLoopConfig.Builder |
HumanLoopDataAttributes |
Allows you to set attributes of the image.
HumanLoopDataAttributes.Builder |
HumanLoopQuotaExceededException.Builder |
IdempotentParameterMismatchException.Builder |
IdentityDocument |
The structure that lists each document processed in an AnalyzeID operation.
IdentityDocument.Builder |
IdentityDocumentField |
Structure containing both the normalized type of the extracted information and the text associated with it.
IdentityDocumentField.Builder |
InternalServerErrorException.Builder |
InvalidJobIdException.Builder |
InvalidKmsKeyException.Builder |
InvalidParameterException.Builder |
InvalidS3ObjectException.Builder |
JobStatus |
LendingDetection |
The results extracted for a lending document.
LendingDetection.Builder |
LendingDocument |
Holds the structured data returned by AnalyzeDocument for lending documents.
LendingDocument.Builder |
LendingField |
Holds the normalized key-value pairs returned by AnalyzeDocument, including the document type, detected text, and
LendingField.Builder |
LendingResult |
Contains the detections for each page analyzed through the Analyze Lending API.
LendingResult.Builder |
LendingSummary |
Contains information regarding DocumentGroups and UndetectedDocumentTypes.
LendingSummary.Builder |
LimitExceededException.Builder |
LineItemFields |
A structure that holds information about the different lines found in a document's tables.
LineItemFields.Builder |
LineItemGroup |
A grouping of tables which contain LineItems, with each table identified by the table's
LineItemGroupIndex .
LineItemGroup.Builder |
ListAdaptersRequest.Builder |
ListAdaptersResponse.Builder |
ListAdapterVersionsRequest.Builder |
ListAdapterVersionsResponse.Builder |
ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder |
ListTagsForResourceResponse.Builder |
NormalizedValue |
Contains information relating to dates in a document, including the type of value, and the value.
NormalizedValue.Builder |
NotificationChannel |
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to which Amazon Textract publishes the completion status of
an asynchronous document operation.
NotificationChannel.Builder |
OutputConfig |
Sets whether or not your output will go to a user created bucket.
OutputConfig.Builder |
PageClassification |
The class assigned to a Page object detected in an input document.
PageClassification.Builder |
Point |
The X and Y coordinates of a point on a document page.
Point.Builder |
Prediction |
Contains information regarding predicted values returned by Amazon Textract operations, including the predicted value
and the confidence in the predicted value.
Prediction.Builder |
ProvisionedThroughputExceededException.Builder |
QueriesConfig |
QueriesConfig.Builder |
Query |
Each query contains the question you want to ask in the Text and the alias you want to associate.
Query.Builder |
Relationship |
Information about how blocks are related to each other.
Relationship.Builder |
RelationshipType |
ResourceNotFoundException.Builder |
S3Object |
The S3 bucket name and file name that identifies the document.
S3Object.Builder |
SelectionStatus |
ServiceQuotaExceededException.Builder |
SignatureDetection |
Information regarding a detected signature on a page.
SignatureDetection.Builder |
SplitDocument |
Contains information about the pages of a document, defined by logical boundary.
SplitDocument.Builder |
StartDocumentAnalysisRequest.Builder |
StartDocumentAnalysisResponse.Builder |
StartDocumentTextDetectionRequest.Builder |
StartDocumentTextDetectionResponse.Builder |
StartExpenseAnalysisRequest.Builder |
StartExpenseAnalysisResponse.Builder |
StartLendingAnalysisRequest.Builder |
StartLendingAnalysisResponse.Builder |
TagResourceRequest.Builder |
TagResourceResponse.Builder |
TextractException |
TextractException.Builder |
TextractException.BuilderImpl |
TextractRequest |
TextractRequest.Builder |
TextractResponse |
TextractResponse.Builder |
TextractResponseMetadata |
TextType |
ThrottlingException.Builder |
UndetectedSignature |
A structure containing information about an undetected signature on a page where it was expected but not found.
UndetectedSignature.Builder |
UnsupportedDocumentException.Builder |
UntagResourceRequest.Builder |
UntagResourceResponse.Builder |
UpdateAdapterRequest.Builder |
UpdateAdapterResponse.Builder |
ValidationException.Builder |
ValueType |
Warning |
Warning.Builder |