All Classes and Interfaces

Resolves and indexes the ARN templates for each resource in a service.
Indicates that a string shape contains an ARN.
Builder for ArnReferenceTrait.
Ensures that all arn traits for a service are valid and that their templates only reference valid resource identifiers.
Configures the ARN template of a resource shape, relative to the service to which a resource is bound.
Builder for ArnTrait.
An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads.
An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads.
Represents a configurable AWS protocol trait.
AwsProtocolTrait.Builder<T extends,B extends AwsProtocolTrait.Builder>
Builder for creating a AwsProtocolTrait.
Provides the value in the "Code" distinguishing field and HTTP response code for an operation error.
Builder used to create an AwsQueryErrorTrait.
An RPC-based protocol that sends query string requests and XML responses.
Index of AWS tagging trait information in a service closure and convenient access to tag operations by name in service closures.
Removes the endpoint discovery trait from a service if the referenced operation or error are removed.
Indicates that the target operation should use the SDK's endpoint discovery logic.
Indicates members of the operation input which should be use to discover endpoints.
Configures endpoint discovery for the targeted service.
Configures an Amazon Cognito User Pools auth scheme.
Indicates the serialized name of a structure member when that structure is serialized for the input of an EC2 operation.
An RPC-based protocol that sends query string requests and XML responses, customized for Amazon EC2.
Validates that the aws.api#service/eventSource property matches aws.api#service/arnNamespace + "" and does not use incorrect formats.
Indicates that an operation supports checksum validation.
Validates the HttpChecksum trait.
Determines if a service, resource, or operation are considered part of the data plane or control plane.
Ensures that the http payload trait is only bound to structures, unions, documents, blobs, or strings for AWS protocols.
Ensures that every entry in eventStreamHttp also appears in the http property of a protocol trait.
A RESTful protocol that sends JSON in structured payloads.
A RESTful protocol that sends XML in structured payloads.
Validates that SDK service IDs are correct and do not match any prohibited patterns.
Validates service satisfies AWS tagging requirements.
Registers a service as an AWS service.
Builder for ServiceTrait.
Adds AWS Signature Version 4 Asymmetric authentication to a service or operation.
Emit diff validation for SigV4 migration in the @auth trait.
Adds AWS signature version 4 authentication to a service or operation.
Validates AWS Service, SigV4, and SigV4A traits.
Validates service has at least one taggable resource.
Trait annotating a service shape as having taggable resources.
Structure representing the configuration of resource specific tagging APIs.
Validates that service satisfies the AWS tagging requirements.
Marks a resource shape as taggable for further model validation.
Validates expected tagging property name used for a taggable resource to encourage consistency.
Validates tagging property used for a taggable resource to encourage consistency.
Indicates that the payload of an operation is not to be signed.