All Classes and Interfaces

Applies transforms of other projections.
apply configuration.
POJO to represents a smithy-build-info.json file.
Writes a build info file for each projection.
changeStringEnumsToEnumShapes is used to change string shapes bearing the enum trait into enum shapes.
changeStringEnumsToEnumShapes configuration settings.
changeType is used to change the type of one or more shapes.
flattenNamespaces configuration settings.
An abstract class used to more easily implement a Smithy build projection transformer that expects configuration input in a specific type, T.
An abstract class used to more easily implement a Smithy build plugin that expects configuration input in a specific type, T.
excludeMetadata removes metadata entries when a metadata key matches keys.
excludeMetadata configuration settings.
excludeShapesBySelector excludes the shapes matching the given selector.
excludeShapesBySelector configuration.
excludeShapesByTag removes shapes if they are tagged with one or more of the given arguments.
excludeShapesByTag configuration.
Removes shapes from the model if they are marked with a specific trait.
excludeTags removes tags from shapes and trait definitions that match any of the provided tags.
excludeTags configuration.
excludeTraits removes trait definitions and traits from shapes when a trait name matches any of the values given in traits.
excludeTraits configuration settings.
excludeTraitsByTag removes traits and trait definitions from a model if the trait definition contains any of the provided tags.
excludeTraitsByTag configuration settings.
Creates and tracks the files generated by a SmithyBuildPlugin.
Filters suppressions found in metadata and SuppressTrait traits.
filterSuppressions configuration settings.
flattenNamespaces updates a model by flattening the namespaces of shapes connected to a service into a single, target namespace.
flattenNamespaces configuration settings.
includeMetadata keeps only metadata keys specifically defined in the provided keys setting.
includeMetadata configuration settings.
includeNamespaces filters out shapes and trait definitions that are not part of one of the given namespaces.
includeNamespaces configuration.
includeServices filters out service shapes that are not included in the list of shape IDs contained in the services property.
includeServices configuration.
includeShapesBySelector includes the shapes matching the given selector.
includeShapesBySelector configuration.
includeShapesByTag removes shapes and trait definitions that are not tagged with at least one of the tags provided in the tags argument.
includeShapesByTag configuration.
includeTags removes tags from shapes and trait definitions that are not in the set of tags defined in the tags property.
includeTags configuration.
includeTraits removes trait definitions when a trait name does not match one of the provided traits shape IDs.
includeTraits configuration settings.
includeTraitsByTag removes trait definitions from a model if the definition does not contain at least one of the provided tags.
includeTraitsByTag configuration settings.
Finds string set in a Node object string value and replaces them with a corresponding Node.
A FileManifest that doesn't actually store files on disk.
The way in which files are stored.
Writes the projected/filtered SmithyBuild model.
Generates a JSON report that contains a mapping of every structure member to whether the member is considered nullable in v1 and v2 implementations.
Context object used in plugin execution.
Builds a PluginContext.
ProjectionConfig stored in a SmithyBuildConfig.
The result of applying a projection to a model.
Builds up a ProjectionResult.
Creates a model transformer by name.
removeTraitShapes removes all trait definitions from a model, but leaves if the trait definition contains any of the provided tags.
removeTraitShapes configuration settings.
removeUnusedShapes removes shapes from the model that are not connected to any service shape.
removeUnusedShapes configuration settings.
renameShapes updates a model by renaming shapes.
renameShapes configuration settings.
Runs a process-based plugin.
Runs the projections and plugins found in a SmithyBuildConfig and writes the artifacts to a FileManifest.
Filter configuration that contains a list of named projections that are used to apply filters to a model.
Builder used to create a SmithyBuildConfig.
Base exception thrown for any error that occurs while building.
Plugin extension class for SmithyBuild.
Encapsulates the result of running SmithyBuild.
Creates a SmithyBuildResult.
Thrown when sources conflict in the source plugin.
Copies model sources into the sources plugin.
Transform configuration found in a projection.
Context object used when applying a ProjectionTransformer.
Thrown when a projection extends from an unknown projection.
Thrown when a mapper cannot be found.