All Classes and Interfaces

Class that defines the acceptable values that can be used in ShapeLink objects.
A context object that can be used during code generation and is used by SmithyIntegration.
Performs directed code generation of a DirectedCodegen.
Thrown when an error occurs during code generation.
prefer SymbolWriter.
Directive that contains a CodegenContext.
Directive used to create a CodegenContext.
Directive used to create a SymbolProvider.
Directive used to perform post-processing code generation.
A container for all known dependencies of a generator.
Provides a directed code generation abstraction to make it easier to implement a Smithy code generator for a single service that leverages other abstractions in smithy-codegen-core, including SmithyIntegration, SymbolProvider, CodegenContext, SymbolWriter, and WriterDelegator.
Directive classes contain all of the context needed in order to perform the tasks defined in a DirectedCodegen implementation.
DocumentationWriter<T extends>
prefer DocWriter.
DocWriter<T extends<T>>
Directive used to generate an enum shape or enum string shape.
Represents the type of enum to generate.
Directive used to generate an error.
Directive used to generate an intEnum.
Directive used to generate a resource.
Directive used to generate a service.
Directive used to generate a structure.
Directive used to generate a union.
Contains the imports associated with a specific file.
this class uses CodeWriter, which is deprecated.
A reserved words implementation that maps known words to other words.
Builder to create a new MappedReservedWords instance.
Determines what is reserved and escapes reserved words.
Builds a ReservedWords implementation from explicit mappings and from line-delimited files that contain reserved words.
Decorates a SymbolProvider by passing values through context specific ReservedWords implementations.
Builder to build a ReservedWordSymbolProvider.
Uses to manually escape Symbols and member names.
ShapeDirective<T extends,C extends CodegenContext<S,?,?>,S>
Directive used to generate a specific shape.
Class that defines a link between the Smithy Shape and the artifact that it produced.
This interface provides the base concept of an "Integration" to Smithy code generators.
A "symbol" is created by a SymbolProvider, and represents the qualified name of a type in a target programming language.
Builds a Symbol.
A holder for Symbol objects.
Represents a dependency that is introduced by a Symbol.
Builds a SymbolDependency.
A container for SymbolDependency objects.
Provides Symbol objects for shapes.
Represents a reference from a Symbol to another Symbol.
Builds a SymbolReference.
Options used to control the context of when the symbol reference is needed.
Top-level interface for all SymbolReference options.
A SymbolWriter is a specialized AbstractCodeWriter that makes it easier to implement code generation that utilizes Symbols and SymbolDependency values.
Factory used to create a SymbolWriter.
Creates a reverse-topological ordering of shapes.
Class that represents the contents of a Smithy trace file.
Builder for constructing TraceFile's from scratch.
Class that defines information a code-generated artifact.
Decorates a SymbolProvider with a TraceFile.Builder and adds a ShapeLink object to the builder on each call to toSymbol.
Builder to create a TracingSymbolProvider instance.
Creates and manages SymbolWriters for files and namespaces based on Symbols created for a Shape.