All Classes

Superseded by the much better designed HumanReadableConfigurationFactory
Implementation of ConfigurationSorter to be paired with an annotation to sort entries
Specifies the order of an entry per this sorter
A marker interface for configurations produced by config factories where, although the config data was missing one or more keys, an auxiliary configuration instance was used to fill in the missing keys.
Indicates a value exists, but it itself violates some requirement
Builder of BadValueException.
Will be removed without replacement in a later release.
Applied to lists, sets, collections, and maps in order to limit their size
A simple wrapper used to attach comments to a configuration wrapper.
Inserts one or more comments ahead of the config entry this annotation is placed before
Container for annotations used to specify the default value on a config entry.
Specifies the default value as a boolean
Specifies the default value as a boolean array.
Specifies the default value as a double.
Specifies the default value as a double array.
Specifies the default value as an integer.
Specifies the default value as an integer array.
Specifies the default value as a long.
Specifies the default value as a long array.
Specifies the default value as a map.
Specifies the qualified name of the static method returning the default value.
Specifies the default value as string.
Specifies the default value as a string array.
Allows specifying the comment header on a top level configuration or a comment on a sub section.
Indicates the syntax of a specific config format is invalid
Loader and writer of configuration data
Abstract implementation of ConfigurationFactory which takes care of configuration loading from a map.
Simple helper class designed to assist in reloading a configuration
Options for loading, validating, and writing configuration values
Sorter of configuration entries, so that when the configuration is written to a stream or channel, it may be done so in the desired order.
Specifies the key whose value will be used for this method.
Attaches a value serialiser to a configuration interface
Attaches a value validator to a config entry
A complement to FlexibleType which allows objects to be broken down during reserialisation.
A type which may be adapted to some other.
Functional interface which computes a result from a FlexibleType
Functional interface which computes a
Extension of ConfigurationFormatFactory which turns ReadableByteChannel and InputStream into Reader and WritableByteChannel and OutputStream into Writer.
Indicates the programmer creating the configuration has made a mistake, such as violating an annotation contract.
General exception indicating a problem with a specific configuration entry
Controls the range of an numeric type.
Thrown to indicate an invalid configuration
Indicates a specific key does not exist
Indicates a value is nonexistent (e.g.
Value validator which ensures a string is not empty
Controls the range of any numeric type.
An entry in a configuration.
Specifies either that the config entry is a configuration section, or that a generic parameter of a collection (a collection element or map value) is a configuration section.
Value serialiser for URL
Functional interface for serialising and deserialising configuration entries.
An immutable map of value serialisers, keyed by the type which they serialise.
Functional interface for validating configuration entries.