Class WatermarkStrategyOperator

  • public class WatermarkStrategyOperator
    extends Operator
    Operator class that corresponds to WatermarkAssignerLogicalOperatorNode in the C++ API.

    Joins and window do not produce results unless the children contain WatermarkAssignerLogicalOperatorNode. When submitting queries using protobuf, we need to replicate the behavior of the C++ Query API and add these operators. However, they are currently not in the Java query API.

    • Constructor Detail

      • WatermarkStrategyOperator

        public WatermarkStrategyOperator​(@NonNull Operator childOperator)
        Create a new operator and set its child. This constructor leaves the window definition uninitialized, so it must be set later with setWindowDefinition(stream.nebula.operators.window.WindowDefinition) before the operator is deserialized.
        childOperator - The child operator in a singly linked operator chain.
    • Method Detail

      • setWindowDefinition

        public void setWindowDefinition​(WindowDefinition windowDefinition)