Interface NumberMapFunctions

    • Method Detail

      • normalize

        default DoubleColumn normalize()
        Returns a transformation of the data in this column such that the result has a mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 1
      • size

        int size()
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
      • asDoubleArray

        double[] asDoubleArray()
      • asRatio

        default DoubleColumn asRatio()
        Return the elements of this column as the ratios of their value and the sum of all elements
      • sum

        double sum()
      • asPercent

        default DoubleColumn asPercent()
        Return the elements of this column as the percentages of their value relative to the sum of all elements
      • add

        default double add​(double val1,
                           double val2)
      • multiply

        default double multiply​(double val1,
                                double val2)
      • divide

        default double divide​(double val1,
                              double val2)
      • subtract

        default double subtract​(double val1,
                                double val2)
        Returns the result of subtracting val2 from val1, after handling missing values
      • power

        default DoubleColumn power​(double power)
        Returns a NumberColumn with the exponential power of each value in this column
      • reciprocal

        default DoubleColumn reciprocal()
        Returns a NumberColumn with the reciprocal (1/n) for each value n in this column
      • square

        default DoubleColumn square()
        Returns a NumberColumn with the square of each value in this column
      • remainder

        default DoubleColumn remainder​(double val2)
      • logN

        default DoubleColumn logN()
        Returns the natural log of the values in this column as a NumberColumn.
      • log10

        default DoubleColumn log10()
        Returns the base 10 log of the values in this column as a NumberColumn.
      • log1p

        default DoubleColumn log1p()
        Returns the natural log of the values in this column, after adding 1 to each so that zero values don't return -Infinity
      • roundInt

        default DoubleColumn roundInt()
        Returns the rounded values as a NumberColumn. Use roundLong() if larger
        ClassCastException - if the returned value will not fit in an int
      • abs

        default DoubleColumn abs()
        Returns a NumberColumn with the absolute value of each value in this column
      • neg

        default DoubleColumn neg()
        For each item in the column, returns the same number with the sign changed. For example: -1.3 returns 1.3, 2.135 returns -2.135 0 returns 0
      • cumSum

        default DoubleColumn cumSum()
        Returns a new column with a cumulative sum calculated
      • cumProd

        default DoubleColumn cumProd()
        Returns a new column with a cumulative product calculated
      • cumMax

        default DoubleColumn cumMax()
        Returns a new column with a cumulative maximum calculated
      • cumMin

        default DoubleColumn cumMin()
        Returns a new column with a cumulative maximum calculated
      • pctChange

        default DoubleColumn pctChange()
        Returns a new column with a percent change calculated
      • getDouble

        double getDouble​(int i)
      • isMissing

        boolean isMissing​(int rowNumber)