Package gate.gui.annedit

Interface Summary
AnnotationData A structure for storing the information describing an annotation (i.e. the Annotation object and its enclosing AnnotationSet.
AnnotationEditorOwner Objects of this type control the interaction with an OwnedAnnotationEditor.
OwnedAnnotationEditor Interface for all annotation editor components

Class Summary
AnnotationDataImpl A simple reusable implementation of AnnotationData.
JNullableTextField An encapsulation of JTextField and a JButton that allows the text value to be set to null by pressing the button.
SchemaAnnotationEditor An annotation editor that enforces the annotation schemas currently loaded in the system.
SchemaFeaturesEditor A GUI component for editing a feature map based on a feature schema object.
SearchAndAnnotatePanel Build a GUI for searching and annotating annotations in a text.
SearchExpressionsAction Dialog for building a regular expression.

Enum Summary