Package gate.util

Interface Summary
AnnotationDiffer.Pairing Interface representing a pairing between a key annotation and a response one.
Benchmarkable Resources that want to log their progress or results into a shared log centrally maintained by GATE, should implement this interface and use the java.util.Benchmark class to log their entries.
ClosableIterator<T> An iterator that should be closed as soon as it is not used anymore.
DocumentProcessor Very simple interface for a component that processes GATE documents.
FeatureBearer Classes that have features.
IdBearer Classes that have Ids.
NameBearer Classes that have features.

Class Summary
AbstractFeatureBearer A convenience implemetation of FeatureBearer.
AnnotationDiffer This class provides the logic used by the Annotation Diff tool.
AnnotationDiffer.PairingOffsetComparator Compares two choices based on start offset of key (or response if key not present) and type if offsets are equal.
AnnotationDiffer.PairingScoreComparator Compares two pairings: the better score is preferred; for the same score the better type is preferred (exact matches are preffered to partial ones).
AnnotationMerging Merging the annotations from different annotators.
Benchmark This class provides methods for making entries in the shared log maintained by the GATE system.
BomStrippingInputStreamReader StreamReader that removes the Unicode BOM, even when Sun/Oracle is too lazy to do so.
ClassificationMeasures Given two annotation sets, a type and a feature, compares the feature values.
CreoleXmlUpperCaseFilter SAX XMLFilter implementation used when reading a creole.xml file to ensure that all the standard creole elements and their attribute names are converted to upper case.
Err Shorthand for the System.err.print and println methods.
ExtensionFileFilter Implementation of a file name filter.
Files Some utilities for use with Files and with resources.
GateClassLoader GATE's class loader, which allows loading of classes over the net.
HashMapLong simple cut-off version of the hashmap with native long's as keys only get,put and isEmpty methods are implemented().
HtmlLinksExtractor This class extracts links from HTML files.
JarFiles This class is used to merge a set of Jar/Zip Files in a Jar File It is ignored the manifest.
Javac This class compiles a set of java sources using the user's preferred Java compiler.
LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor DocumentProcessor that processes documents using a LanguageAnalyser.
NameComparator Compares NameBearers by name (string comparation)
ObjectComparator A Comparator implementation for Object values.
ObjectPool A generic implementation of pool of references to objects of any kind.
ObjectWriter Writes an object to an PipedOutputStream wich can be connected to a PipedInputStream.
OffsetComparator Compares annotations by start offset
OntologyMeasures Modified version of Precision and Recall called BDM that takes into account the distance of two concepts in an ontology.
OptionsMap A map that stores values as strings and provides support for converting some frequently used types to and from string.
Out Shorthand for the System.out.print and println methods.
ProcessManager Class that supports running an external process and either silently consuming its standard output and error streams, or copying them to Java's stdout and stderr.
ProgressPrinter Class used to simulate the behaviour of a progress bar on an OutputStream.
RawEditorKit This class provides an editor kit that does not change \n\r to \n but instead it leaves the original text as is.
RBTreeMap Slightly modified implementation of java.util.TreeMap in order to return the closest neighbours in the case of a failed search.
SimpleArraySet<T> A specific *partial* implementation of the Set interface used for high performance and memory reduction on small sets.
SimpleFeatureMapImpl Simple case of features.
SimpleSortedSet The purpose of this Map is to combine the functionality found in TreeSet, especially first() and tailSet() with the hashcode driven map using native long as key to hold the annotations ordered by their offset.
Strings Some utilities for use with Strings.
TestApplication Test an application against its previous run on a corpus.
TestEqual This class provides some static utility methods such as equality test for annotation sets and documents.
TestFeatureMap Title: Gate2 Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Company: University Of Sheffield
TestFiles Files test class.
TestRBTreeMap Tests for the RBTreeMap class
TestTemplate Template test class - to add a new part of the test suite: copy this class and change "Template" to the name of the new tests; add a line to in the suite method referencing your new class; add test methods to this class.
TestTools Test cases for Tools.getMostSpecificConstructor(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class).
VersionComparator A comparator that can be used for comparing GATE version strings.

Exception Summary
DocumentFormatException This exception can be used to catch any internal exception thrown by the DocumentFormat class and its subbclasses.
GateException A superclass for exceptions in the GATE packages.
GateRuntimeException Exception used to signal a runtime exception within Gate.
GateSaxException An inherited class from SAX exception in the GATE packages.
InvalidOffsetException Used to signal an attempt to create a node with an invalid offset.
LazyProgrammerException What to throw in a method that hasn't been implemented yet.
LuckyException This exception is intended to be used in places where there definitely shouldn't be any exceptions thrown but the API requires us to catch some, eg: try{ if( a !