Class EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent

    • Constructor Detail

      • EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent

        public EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent​(MediaPlayerFactory mediaPlayerFactory,
                                            Component videoSurfaceComponent,
                                            FullScreenStrategy fullScreenStrategy,
                                            InputEvents inputEvents,
                                            Window overlay)
        Construct an embedded media player component.

        Any constructor parameter may be null, in which case a reasonable default will be used.

        mediaPlayerFactory - media player factory
        videoSurfaceComponent - heavyweight video surface component, will become part of this components UI layout
        fullScreenStrategy - full screen strategy
        inputEvents - keyboard/mouse input event configuration
        overlay - heavyweight overlay
      • EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent

        public EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent​(MediaPlayerSpecs.EmbeddedMediaPlayerSpec spec)
        Construct an embedded media player component from a builder.
        spec - builder
      • EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent

        public EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent()
        Construct an embedded media player component with reasonable defaults.