Interface DialogHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DialogHandler
    Specification for a component that handles native dialogs.

    A dialog need not have a user-interface. For example, a login dialog could load credentials from a file or system properties and programmatically deal with the dialog.

    Implementations should use MediaPlayerFactory.dialogs() to interact with the dialogs.

    • Method Detail

      • displayError

        void displayError​(Long userData,
                          String title,
                          String text)
        Present an error dialog.
        userData - user data
        title - dialog title
        text - error text
      • displayLogin

        void displayLogin​(Long userData,
                          DialogId id,
                          String title,
                          String text,
                          String defaultUsername,
                          boolean askStore)
        Present a login dialog.
        userData - user data
        id - dialog id, used to interact with this dialog
        title - dialog title
        text - login text
        defaultUsername - default username to display in the dialog
        askStore - if true, ask if the credentials should be stored
      • displayQuestion

        void displayQuestion​(Long userData,
                             DialogId id,
                             String title,
                             String text,
                             DialogQuestionType type,
                             String cancel,
                             String action1,
                             String action2)
        Present a question dialog.
        userData - user data
        id - dialog id, used to interact with this dialog
        title - dialog title
        text - question text
        type - type of question
        cancel - cancel action text
        action1 - first action text
        action2 - second action text
      • displayProgress

        void displayProgress​(Long userData,
                             DialogId id,
                             String title,
                             String text,
                             int indeterminate,
                             float position,
                             String cancel)
        Present a progress dialog.
        userData - user data
        id - dialog id, used to interact with this dialog
        title - dialog title
        text - progress text
        indeterminate - true if the progress is indeterminate; false if it is not
        position - percent completion
        cancel - cancel action text
      • cancel

        void cancel​(Long userData,
                    DialogId id)
        Present a cancel dialog.
        userData - user data
        id - dialog id, used to interact with this dialog
      • updateProgress

        void updateProgress​(Long userData,
                            DialogId id,
                            float position,
                            String text)
        Update a progress dialog.
        userData - user data
        id - dialog id, used to interact with this dialog
        position - percent completion
        text - progress text