Class NativeLibraryMappingException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NativeLibraryMappingException
    extends RuntimeException
    Exception thrown if not all methods in the native library could be mapped at run-time.

    When using JNA direct mapping, if any method in the implementation class declared native does not exist in the native library loaded at run-time, an exception will be thrown and further because this mapping is done during class static initialisation what will actually be thrown is NoClassDefFoundError exception.

    This is extremely unfortunate as that exception can not, for historical reasons, have a root cause exception.

    So we make the reasonable assumption when registering the direct-mapped native library that if NoClassDefFoundError occurs this is the reason.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeLibraryMappingException

        public NativeLibraryMappingException​(String message,
                                             Throwable cause)