Class AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer

    public abstract class AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent
    extends JWindow
    Base implementation for a video overlay component.

    Overlay contents may be implemented by using Swing/AWT components in a layout using onCreateOverlay(), and/or by implementing custom painting using onNewSize(int, int) and onPaintOverlay(Graphics2D).

    Various template method are provided for sub-classes to provide the required behaviour.

    The default implementation of the onSetWindowTransparency() template method attempts to make a transparent overlay by either the preferred method of simply setting the background colour to a transparent colour for Java7+, or by using com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities, if it exists, for Java6.

    Best results will be obtained by disabling any compositing desktop window manager.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent

        public AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent​(Window owner)
        Create an overlay.

        An "alpha-compatible" graphics configuration will be used when creating the window so as to enable a transparent overlay.

        owner - owning window, must not be null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the owner parameter is null
      • AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent

        public AbstractJWindowOverlayComponent​(Window owner,
                                               GraphicsConfiguration graphicsConfiguration)
        Create an overlay.
        owner - owning window, must not be null
        graphicsConfiguration - graphics configuration to use when creating the Window
        IllegalArgumentException - if the owner parameter is null