Package convex.cli

package convex.cli
  • Class
    Convex account sub commands convex.account
    Convex account balance command convex.account.balance
    Convex account create command convex.account.create
    Convex account fund command
    Convex account information command convex.account.infomation
    Exception class for general CLI errors to be reported to the user
    Static constants for the CLI interface
    Exit codes TODO: may need to make partially platform-specific?
    Helpers Helper functions for the CLI classes.
    Convex key sub commands convex.key
    Convex key sub commands convex.key.export
    Convex key sub commands convex.key.generate
    Convex key sub commands convex.key.import
    Convex key sub commands convex.key.list
    Convex local sub commands convex.local
    Convex Local Manager sub command convex.local.manager
    Convex CLI implementation
    Version provider class
    Convex peer sub commands convex.peer
    peer create command convex.peer.create This creates an account and provides enougth funds, for a new peer account
    peer start command convex.peer.start
    Convex Query sub command convex.query
    Convex Status sub command convex.status
    Convex Transaction sub command convex.transaction