

package controllers

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseLoginApi[U] extends SecureSocial[U]

    This trait provides the means to provide an authentication API that can be used by client side or mobile apps.

    This trait provides the means to provide an authentication API that can be used by client side or mobile apps.


    The application user type

  2. trait BaseLoginPage[U] extends SecureSocial[U]

    The trait that defines the login page controller

  3. trait BasePasswordChange[U] extends SecureSocial[U]

    A trait that defines the password change functionality

    A trait that defines the password change functionality


    the user object type

  4. trait BasePasswordReset[U] extends MailTokenBasedOperations[U]

    The trait that provides the Password Reset functionality

    The trait that provides the Password Reset functionality


    the user type

  5. trait BaseProviderController[U] extends SecureSocial[U]

    A trait that provides the means to authenticate users for web applications

    A trait that provides the means to authenticate users for web applications


    the user type

  6. trait BaseRegistration[U] extends MailTokenBasedOperations[U]

    A trait that provides the means to handle user registration

    A trait that provides the means to handle user registration


    the user type

  7. case class ChangeInfo(currentPassword: String, newPassword: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The class used in the form

    The class used in the form


    the user's current password


    the new password

  8. class LoginApi extends BaseLoginApi[BasicProfile]

    A default controller that uses the BasicProfile as the application user type.

  9. class LoginPage extends BaseLoginPage[BasicProfile]

    A default Login controller that uses BasicProfile as the user type.

  10. trait MailTemplates extends Controller

    A trait that provides the mail content sent by SecureSocial

  11. abstract class MailTokenBasedOperations[U] extends SecureSocial[U]

    The base controller for password reset and password change operations

  12. class PasswordChange extends BasePasswordChange[BasicProfile]

    A default PasswordChange controller that uses the BasicProfile as the user type

  13. class PasswordReset extends MailTokenBasedOperations[BasicProfile] with BasePasswordReset[BasicProfile]

    A default controller the uses the BasicProfile as the user type

  14. class ProviderController extends BaseProviderController[BasicProfile]

    A default controller that uses the BasicProfile as the user type

  15. class Registration extends MailTokenBasedOperations[BasicProfile] with BaseRegistration[BasicProfile]

    A default Registration controller that uses the BasicProfile as the user type

  16. case class RegistrationInfo(userName: Option[String], firstName: String, lastName: String, password: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The data collected during the registration process

    The data collected during the registration process


    the username


    the first name


    the last name


    the password

  17. class ReverseAssets extends AnyRef

  18. class ReverseLoginApi extends AnyRef

  19. class ReverseLoginPage extends AnyRef

  20. class ReversePasswordChange extends AnyRef

  21. class ReversePasswordReset extends AnyRef

  22. class ReverseProviderController extends AnyRef

  23. class ReverseRegistration extends AnyRef

  24. trait ViewTemplates extends Controller

    A trait that provides the pages for SecureSocial

    A trait that provides the pages for SecureSocial

    If you need to customise the views just create a class implementing this trait and register it in your RuntimeEnvironment instead of the default one.

    See also



  25. class routes extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Assets extends AssetsBuilder

  2. object BaseRegistration

  3. object MailTemplates

  4. object ProviderControllerHelper

  5. object ViewTemplates

  6. package javascript

  7. package ref
