
@deprecated("As a ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, you may get notified of ssl handshake state overriding userEventTriggered and matching on SslHandshakeCompletionEvents", since = "0.8.1") @ChannelHandler$$Sharable trait Secured extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter with ServerErrorResponse
Adds ssl handshaking to a channel handler's #channelConnected method
This assumes a SslHandler was added to the underlying ChannelPipeline.
The ssl handshake will be handled for you. You may wish to know preform custom behavior on
if the handshake is a pass or failure. To do so, use the handshakeSuccess(ctx) or handshakeFailure(ctx, event)
to do so
note(doug): since the handshake of ssl handlers are invoked for you, this traits usefulness is a little dubious. users can just override userEventTriggered, matching on netties SslHandshakeCompletionEvent. we may want to remove this trait altogether as it adds little value
class ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
trait ChannelInboundHandler
class ChannelHandlerAdapter
trait ChannelHandler
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def unfiltered$netty$Secured$$super$onException(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, t: Throwable): Unit
override def userEventTriggered(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: Object): Unit
Client code should always pass userEventTriggered events upstream
Definition Classes
ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter -> ChannelInboundHandler
def handshakeSuccess(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Called after a successful ssl handshake attempt
def handshakeFailure(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: SslHandshakeCompletionEvent): Unit
Called after a failed ssl handshake attempt
def onNotSslRecordException(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, t: NotSslRecordException): Unit
override def onException(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, t: Throwable): Unit
provides a filter to catch NotSslRecordExceptions raised by SslHandlers, falling back on ServerErrorResponse

Inherited methods

def handlerAdded(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelActive(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelRegistered(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
def isSharable(): Boolean
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelRead(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext, x$1: <FromJavaObject>): Unit
Inhertied from
override def exceptionCaught(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, t: Throwable): Unit
Definition Classes
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelReadComplete(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelInactive(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
def handlerRemoved(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelUnregistered(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from
@ChannelHandlerMask$$Skip @throws(java.lang.Exception)
def channelWritabilityChanged(x$0: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit
Inhertied from