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ABNORMAL_CLOSURE - enum entry in io.javalin.websocket.WsCloseStatus

Reserved. Used to indicate that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent) when a status code is expected.

ACCEPTED - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus
AcceptedResponse - class in io.javalin.http
acceptEncoding(String) - function in io.javalin.compression.CompressionType
acceptsHtml(Context) - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContextKt
add(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.config.StaticFilesConfig
add(String,Location) - function in io.javalin.config.StaticFilesConfig
add(String) - function in io.javalin.config.StaticFilesConfig
add(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.http.SinglePageHandler
add(String,String,Location) - function in io.javalin.http.SinglePageHandler
add(ContentType) - function in io.javalin.http.staticfiles.MimeTypesConfig
add(ContentType,String) - function in io.javalin.http.staticfiles.MimeTypesConfig
add(String,String) - function in io.javalin.http.staticfiles.MimeTypesConfig
add(HttpHandlerEntry) - function in io.javalin.router.matcher.PathMatcher
add(WsHandlerEntry) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher
addBean(Object) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
addBean(Object,Boolean) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
addConnector(BiFunction) - function in io.javalin.config.JettyConfig
Add a Connector to the jetty Server.
addEndpoints() - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.EndpointGroup
addEventListener(EventListener) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
addFile(String,String,Location) - function in io.javalin.config.SpaRootConfig
addFile(String,String) - function in io.javalin.config.SpaRootConfig
addHandler(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.config.SpaRootConfig
addHandler(Integer,String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.error.ErrorMapper
addHandler(WsHandlerType,String,Consumer,Set) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsRouter
Add a WebSocket handler.
addHttpErrorHandler(Integer,String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Adds an error mapper for the specified content-type to the instance.
addHttpExceptionHandler(Class,ExceptionHandler) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Adds an exception mapper to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler,Array) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRouting
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addHttpHandler(HandlerType,String,Handler,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
addManaged(LifeCycle) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
addRule(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.CorsPluginConfig
addSameSite(String,Cookie) - function in io.javalin.http.CookieKt
addStaticFileConfig(StaticFileConfig) - function in io.javalin.http.staticfiles.ResourceHandler
addStaticFileConfig(StaticFileConfig) - function in io.javalin.jetty.JettyResourceHandler
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addValidationExceptionMapper(JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.validation.JavalinValidation
addWsExceptionHandler(Class,WsExceptionHandler) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Adds a WebSocket exception mapper to the instance.
addWsHandler(WsHandlerType,String,Consumer,Array) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket handler of the specified type on the specified path.
addWsHandler(WsHandlerType,String,Consumer,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Adds a specific WebSocket handler for the given path to the instance.
addWsHandler(WsHandlerType,String,Consumer,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRouting
Adds a WebSocket handler of the specified type on the specified path.
addWsHandler(WsHandlerType,String,Consumer,RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a WebSocket handler of the specified type on the specified path.
after(Handler) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a AFTER request handler for the current path to the Javalin instance.
after(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds an AFTER request handler for the specified path to the Javalin instance.
AFTER - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HandlerType
after(Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER request handler for all routes in the instance.
after(Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER request handler for all routes in the instance.
after(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER request handler for the specified path to the instance.
after(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER request handler for the specified path to the instance.
after(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER request handler for the specified path to the instance.
AFTER_MATCHED - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HandlerType
afterMatched(Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER_MATCHED request handler for all routes in the instance.
afterMatched(Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER_MATCHED request handler for all routes in the instance.
afterMatched(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER_MATCHED request handler for the specified path to the instance.
afterMatched(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER_MATCHED request handler for the specified path to the instance.
afterMatched(String,Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds an AFTER_MATCHED request handler for the specified path to the instance.
ALL - enum entry in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.GlobalHeadersConfig.CrossDomainPolicy
allEntries() - function in io.javalin.router.matcher.PathMatcher
allEntries() - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher
allHttpHandlers() - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Get a list of all registered HTTP handlers.
allowedOrigins() - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.CorsPluginConfig.CorsRule
allowHost(String,String) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.CorsPluginConfig.CorsRule
allowNullable() - function in io.javalin.validation.Validator
allWsHandlers() - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Get a list of all registered WebSocket handlers.
ALREADY_REPORTED - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus
AlreadyReportedResponse - class in io.javalin.http
ANY - enum entry in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.GlobalHeadersConfig.ClearSiteData
anyHost() - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.CorsPluginConfig.CorsRule
ApiBuilder - class in io.javalin.apibuilder
Static methods for route declarations in Javalin
apiBuilder(EndpointGroup) - function in io.javalin.config.RouterConfig
appAttribute(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets an attribute from the Javalin instance serving the request
appAttribute(String) - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContext
Gets an attribute from the Javalin instance serving the request
APPLICATION_7Z - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_BZ - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_BZ2 - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_CDN - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_DOC - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_DOCX - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_EPUB - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_GZ - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_JAR - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_JSON - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_MPKG - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_PDF - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_POM - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_RAR - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_SH - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_SWF - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_TAR - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_XHTML - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_YAML - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_ZIP - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
applyUserConfig(JavalinConfig,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig.Companion
async(ThrowingRunnable) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
async(ThrowingRunnable) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
async(Consumer,ThrowingRunnable) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Utility function that allows to run async task on top of the Context.future method.
async(Consumer,ThrowingRunnable) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Utility function that allows to run async task on top of the Context.future method.
AsyncTaskConfig - class in io.javalin.http.util
attachDictionary(PreparedDictionary) - function in com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.BrotliOutputStream
attribute(String) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Retrieve an attribute stored on the instance.
attribute(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Registers an attribute on the instance.
attribute(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the specified attribute from the request().
attribute(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the specified attribute from the request().
attribute(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets an attribute on the request().
attribute(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets an attribute on the request().
attribute(String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Gets the specified attribute from the request.
attribute(String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Gets the specified attribute from the request.
attribute(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Sets an attribute on the request.
attribute(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Sets an attribute on the request.
attributeMap() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a map with all the attribute keys and values on the request().
attributeMap() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a map with all the attribute keys and values on the request().
attributeMap() - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Gets a Map with all the attribute keys and values on the request
attributeMap() - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsContext
Gets a Map with all the attribute keys and values on the request
attributeOrCompute(String,Function1) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets specified attribute, or computes the value from callback (and sets the attribute)
attributeOrCompute(String,Function1) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets specified attribute, or computes the value from callback (and sets the attribute)
attributeOrCompute(Function1,String,Context) - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContextKt
AUDIO_AAC - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_MIDI - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_MPEG - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_OGA - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_OPUS - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_WAV - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
AUDIO_WEBA - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
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