trait NoChecking extends ReChecking


trait Checking
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class Typer

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

override def checkAnnotArgs(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree

Check arguments of compiler-defined annotations

Check arguments of compiler-defined annotations


Definition Classes
override def checkCaseInheritance(parentSym: Symbol, caseCls: ClassSymbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

Check that case classes are not inherited by case classes.

Check that case classes are not inherited by case classes.


Definition Classes
override def checkClassType(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos, traitReq: Boolean, stablePrefixReq: Boolean)(using Context): Type

Check that tp is a class type. Also, if traitReq is true, check that tp is a trait. Also, if stablePrefixReq is true and phase is not after RefChecks, check that class prefix is stable.

Check that tp is a class type. Also, if traitReq is true, check that tp is a trait. Also, if stablePrefixReq is true and phase is not after RefChecks, check that class prefix is stable.



tp itself if it is a class or trait ref, ObjectType if not.

Definition Classes
override def checkDerivedValueClass(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree])(using Context): Unit

Verify classes extending AnyVal meet the requirements

Verify classes extending AnyVal meet the requirements


Definition Classes
override def checkFeasibleParent(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos, where: => String)(using Context): Type

Check that tp is a class type and that any top-level type arguments in this type are feasible, i.e. that their lower bound conforms to their upper bound. If a type argument is infeasible, issue and error and continue with upper bound.

Check that tp is a class type and that any top-level type arguments in this type are feasible, i.e. that their lower bound conforms to their upper bound. If a type argument is infeasible, issue and error and continue with upper bound.


Definition Classes
override def checkImplicitConversionDefOK(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

If sym is an old-style implicit conversion, check that implicit conversions are enabled.

If sym is an old-style implicit conversion, check that implicit conversions are enabled.


Definition Classes
override def checkImplicitConversionUseOK(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit

If tree is an application of a new-style implicit conversion (using the apply method of a scala.Conversion instance), check that implicit conversions are enabled.

If tree is an application of a new-style implicit conversion (using the apply method of a scala.Conversion instance), check that implicit conversions are enabled.


Definition Classes
override def checkImportSelectors(qualType: Type, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(using Context): Unit

(1) Check that every named import selector refers to a type or value member of the qualifier type. (2) Check that no import selector is renamed more than once.

(1) Check that every named import selector refers to a type or value member of the qualifier type. (2) Check that no import selector is renamed more than once.


Definition Classes
override def checkInInlineContext(what: String, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

Check that we are in an inline context (inside an inline method or in inline code)

Check that we are in an inline context (inside an inline method or in inline code)


Definition Classes
override def checkMembersOK(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Type

Check that all named types that form part of this type have a denotation. Called on inferred (result) types of ValDefs and DefDefs. This could fail for types where the member was originally available as part of the self type, yet is no longer visible once the this has been replaced by some other prefix. See neg/i3083.scala

Check that all named types that form part of this type have a denotation. Called on inferred (result) types of ValDefs and DefDefs. This could fail for types where the member was originally available as part of the self type, yet is no longer visible once the this has been replaced by some other prefix. See neg/i3083.scala


Definition Classes
override def checkNoForwardDependencies(vparams: List[ValDef])(using Context): Unit

Check that method parameter types do not reference their own parameter or later parameters in the same parameter section.

Check that method parameter types do not reference their own parameter or later parameters in the same parameter section.


Definition Classes
override def checkNoTargetNameConflict(stats: List[Tree])(using Context): Unit

Check that symbol's external name does not clash with symbols defined in the same scope

Check that symbol's external name does not clash with symbols defined in the same scope


Definition Classes
override def checkNonCyclic(sym: Symbol, info: TypeBounds, reportErrors: Boolean)(using Context): Type


Definition Classes
override def checkNonCyclicInherited(joint: Type, parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit


Definition Classes
override def checkParentCall(call: Tree, caller: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Unit


Definition Classes
override def checkSimpleKinded(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree

Check that tpt does not define a higher-kinded type

Check that tpt does not define a higher-kinded type


Definition Classes
override def checkStable(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos, kind: String)(using Context): Unit

Check that type tp is stable.

Check that type tp is stable.


Definition Classes
override def checkTraitInheritance(parentSym: Symbol, cls: ClassSymbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

Given a parent parent of a class cls, if parent is a trait check that the superclass of cls derived from the superclass of parent.

Given a parent parent of a class cls, if parent is a trait check that the superclass of cls derived from the superclass of parent.

An exception is made if cls extends Any, and parent is or java.lang.Comparable. These two classes are treated by Scala as universal traits. E.g. the following is OK:

... extends Any with

The standard library relies on this idiom.


Definition Classes
override def checkValidInfix(tree: InfixOp, meth: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

Check that tree is a valid infix operation. That is, if the operator is alphanumeric, it must be declared infix.

Check that tree is a valid infix operation. That is, if the operator is alphanumeric, it must be declared infix.


Definition Classes

Inherited methods

override def checkAnnotApplicable(annot: Tree, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

check that annotation annot is applicable to symbol sym

check that annotation annot is applicable to symbol sym


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkCanThrow(tp: Type, span: Span)(using Context): Tree

Check that there is an implicit capability to throw a checked exception if the saferExceptions feature is turned on. Return that capability is it exists, EmptyTree otherwise.

Check that there is an implicit capability to throw a checked exception if the saferExceptions feature is turned on. Return that capability is it exists, EmptyTree otherwise.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkCatch(pat: Tree, guard: Tree)(using Context): Unit

Check that catch can generate a good CanThrow exception

Check that catch can generate a good CanThrow exception


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkEnum(cdef: TypeDef, cls: Symbol, firstParent: Symbol)(using Context): Unit
  1. Check that all case classes that extend scala.reflect.Enum are enum cases
  2. Check that parameterised enum cases do not extend java.lang.Enum.
  3. Check that only a static enum base class can extend java.lang.Enum.
  4. Check that user does not implement an ordinal method in the body of an enum class.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkEnumCaseRefsLegal(cdef: TypeDef, enumCtx: Context)(using Context): Unit

Check that all references coming from enum cases in an enum companion object are legal.

Check that all references coming from enum cases in an enum companion object are legal.



the enum companion object class


the context immediately enclosing the corresponding enum

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkEnumParent(cls: Symbol, firstParent: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

Check that the firstParent for an enum case derives from the declaring enum class, if not, adds it as a parent after emitting an error.

Check that the firstParent for an enum case derives from the declaring enum class, if not, adds it as a parent after emitting an error.

This check will have no effect on simple enum cases as their parents are inferred by the compiler.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkFeature(name: TermName, description: => String, featureUseSite: Symbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

Issue a feature warning if feature is not enabled

Issue a feature warning if feature is not enabled


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def checkFullyAppliedType(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit

Check that user-defined (result) type is fully applied

Check that user-defined (result) type is fully applied


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def checkIrrefutable(sel: Tree, pat: Tree, isPatDef: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Check that pattern pat is irrefutable for scrutinee type sel.tpe. This means sel is either marked @unchecked or sel.tpe conforms to the pattern's type. If pattern is an UnApply, also check that the extractor is irrefutable, and do the check recursively.

Check that pattern pat is irrefutable for scrutinee type sel.tpe. This means sel is either marked @unchecked or sel.tpe conforms to the pattern's type. If pattern is an UnApply, also check that the extractor is irrefutable, and do the check recursively.


Inherited from:
def checkLegalExportPath(path: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(using Context): Unit

Check that path is a legal prefix for an export clause

Check that path is a legal prefix for an export clause


Inherited from:

Check that path is a legal prefix for an import clause

Check that path is a legal prefix for an import clause


Inherited from:
override def checkMatchable(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos, pattern: Boolean)(using Context): Unit


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Check that class does not declare same symbol twice

Check that class does not declare same symbol twice


Inherited from:
override def checkNoModuleClash(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

Check that module sym does not clash with a class of the same name that is concurrently compiled in another source file.

Check that module sym does not clash with a class of the same name that is concurrently compiled in another source file.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Check that all type members of tp have realizable bounds

Check that all type members of tp have realizable bounds


Inherited from:
override def checkRefsLegal(tree: Tree, badOwner: Symbol, allowed: (Name, Symbol) => Boolean, where: String)(using Context): Unit

Check that all non-synthetic references of the form <ident> or this.<ident> in tree that refer to a member of badOwner are allowed. Also check that there are no other explicit this references to badOwner.

Check that all non-synthetic references of the form <ident> or this.<ident> in tree that refer to a member of badOwner are allowed. Also check that there are no other explicit this references to badOwner.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

A hook to exclude selected symbols from double declaration check

A hook to exclude selected symbols from double declaration check


Inherited from: