trait PhasesBase


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class ContextBase
Self type

Members list

Type members


object SomePhase extends Phase


class Phase
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

A sentinel transformer object

A sentinel transformer object


class Phase
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def elimByNamePhase: Phase
final def elimOpaquePhase: Phase
final def erasurePhase: Phase
final def flattenPhase: Phase
final def fusePhases(phasess: List[List[Phase]], phasesToSkip: List[String], stopBeforePhases: List[String], stopAfterPhases: List[String], YCheckAfter: List[String])(using Context): List[Phase]

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets period equal to union of periods of it's TreeTransforms

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets period equal to union of periods of it's TreeTransforms


final def genBCodePhase: Phase
final def gettersPhase: Phase
final def inliningPhase: Phase
final def isAfterTyper(phase: Phase): Boolean
final def isTyper(phase: Phase): Boolean
final def lambdaLiftPhase: Phase
final def parserPhase: Phase
final def patmatPhase: Phase
final def phasePlan: List[List[Phase]]
final def picklerPhase: Phase
final def postTyperPhase: Phase
final def refchecksPhase: Phase
final def setPhasePlan(phasess: List[List[Phase]]): Unit
final def splicingPhase: Phase
final def stagingPhase: Phase
final def typerPhase: Phase

Unlink phase from Denot transformer chain. This means that any denotation transformer defined by the phase will not be executed.

Unlink phase from Denot transformer chain. This means that any denotation transformer defined by the phase will not be executed.


final def usePhases(phasess: List[Phase], fuse: Boolean): Unit

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if fusion is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be fused to single phase.

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if fusion is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be fused to single phase.
