Interface TransactionalApplicationListener<E extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent>

Type Parameters:
E - the specific ApplicationEvent subclass to listen to
All Superinterfaces:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<E>, EventListener, org.springframework.core.Ordered
All Known Implementing Classes:
TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter, TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter

public interface TransactionalApplicationListener<E extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent> extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<E>, org.springframework.core.Ordered
An ApplicationListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase. This is a programmatic equivalent of the TransactionalEventListener annotation.

Adding Ordered to your listener implementation allows you to prioritize that listener amongst other listeners running before or after transaction completion.

NOTE: Transactional event listeners only work with thread-bound transactions managed by a PlatformTransactionManager. A reactive transaction managed by a ReactiveTransactionManager uses the Reactor context instead of thread-local variables, so from the perspective of an event listener, there is no compatible active transaction that it can participate in.

Juergen Hoeller, Oliver Drotbohm
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOrder

      default int getOrder()
      Return the execution order within transaction synchronizations.

      Default is Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE.

      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
      See Also:
    • getListenerId

      default String getListenerId()
      Return an identifier for the listener to be able to refer to it individually.

      It might be necessary for specific completion callback implementations to provide a specific id, whereas for other scenarios an empty String (as the common default value) is acceptable as well.

      See Also:
    • getTransactionPhase

      default TransactionPhase getTransactionPhase()
      Return the TransactionPhase in which the listener will be invoked.

      The default phase is TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT.

    • addCallback

      Add a callback to be invoked on processing within transaction synchronization, i.e. when processEvent(E) is being triggered during actual transactions.
      callback - the synchronization callback to apply
    • processEvent

      void processEvent(E event)
      Immediately process the given ApplicationEvent. In contrast to ApplicationListener.onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent), a call to this method will directly process the given event without deferring it to the associated transaction phase.
      event - the event to process through the target listener implementation
    • forPayload

      static <T> TransactionalApplicationListener<org.springframework.context.PayloadApplicationEvent<T>> forPayload(Consumer<T> consumer)
      Create a new TransactionalApplicationListener for the given payload consumer, to be applied in the default phase TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the event payload
      consumer - the event payload consumer
      a corresponding TransactionalApplicationListener instance
      See Also:
    • forPayload

      static <T> TransactionalApplicationListener<org.springframework.context.PayloadApplicationEvent<T>> forPayload(TransactionPhase phase, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Create a new TransactionalApplicationListener for the given payload consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the event payload
      phase - the transaction phase in which to invoke the listener
      consumer - the event payload consumer
      a corresponding TransactionalApplicationListener instance
      See Also: