Interface TransactionalApplicationListener<E extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent>

Type Parameters:
E - the specific ApplicationEvent subclass to listen to
All Superinterfaces:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<E>, EventListener, org.springframework.core.Ordered
All Known Implementing Classes:
TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter, TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter

public interface TransactionalApplicationListener<E extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent> extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<E>, org.springframework.core.Ordered
An ApplicationListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase. This is a programmatic equivalent of the TransactionalEventListener annotation.

Adding Ordered to your listener implementation allows you to prioritize that listener amongst other listeners running before or after transaction completion.

As of 6.1, transactional event listeners can work with thread-bound transactions managed by a PlatformTransactionManager as well as reactive transactions managed by a ReactiveTransactionManager. For the former, listeners are guaranteed to see the current thread-bound transaction. Since the latter uses the Reactor context instead of thread-local variables, the transaction context needs to be included in the published event instance as the event source: see TransactionalEventPublisher.

Juergen Hoeller, Oliver Drotbohm
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOrder

      default int getOrder()
      Return the execution order within transaction synchronizations.

      Default is Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE.

      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
      See Also:
    • supportsAsyncExecution

      default boolean supportsAsyncExecution()
      Transaction-synchronized listeners do not support asynchronous execution, only their target listener (processEvent(E)) potentially does.
      Specified by:
      supportsAsyncExecution in interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<E extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent>
    • getListenerId

      default String getListenerId()
      Return an identifier for the listener to be able to refer to it individually.

      It might be necessary for specific completion callback implementations to provide a specific id, whereas for other scenarios an empty String (as the common default value) is acceptable as well.

      See Also:
    • getTransactionPhase

      default TransactionPhase getTransactionPhase()
      Return the TransactionPhase in which the listener will be invoked.

      The default phase is TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT.

    • addCallback

      Add a callback to be invoked on processing within transaction synchronization, i.e. when processEvent(E) is being triggered during actual transactions.
      callback - the synchronization callback to apply
    • processEvent

      void processEvent(E event)
      Immediately process the given ApplicationEvent. In contrast to ApplicationListener.onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent), a call to this method will directly process the given event without deferring it to the associated transaction phase.
      event - the event to process through the target listener implementation
    • forPayload

      static <T> TransactionalApplicationListener<org.springframework.context.PayloadApplicationEvent<T>> forPayload(Consumer<T> consumer)
      Create a new TransactionalApplicationListener for the given payload consumer, to be applied in the default phase TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the event payload
      consumer - the event payload consumer
      a corresponding TransactionalApplicationListener instance
      See Also:
    • forPayload

      static <T> TransactionalApplicationListener<org.springframework.context.PayloadApplicationEvent<T>> forPayload(TransactionPhase phase, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Create a new TransactionalApplicationListener for the given payload consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the event payload
      phase - the transaction phase in which to invoke the listener
      consumer - the event payload consumer
      a corresponding TransactionalApplicationListener instance
      See Also: