Interface Document<T>

    • Method Detail

      • id

        String id()
        The per-bucket unique ID of the Document.
        the document id.
      • content

        T content()
        The content of the Document.
        the content.
      • cas

        long cas()
        The last-known CAS value for the Document (0 if not set).
        the CAS value if set.
      • expiry

        int expiry()
        The optional expiration time for the Document (0 if not set).
        the expiration time.
      • mutationToken

        MutationToken mutationToken()
        The optional, opaque mutation token set after a successful mutation and if enabled on the environment. Note that the mutation token is always null, unless they are explicitly enabled on the environment, the server version is supported (>= 4.0.0) and the mutation operation succeeded. If set, it can be used for enhanced durability requirements, as well as optimized consistency for N1QL queries.
        the mutation token if set, otherwise null.