package binding

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. binding
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package encoding

Type Members

  1. final case class Contract[+T](contractId: ContractId[T], value: T with Template[T], agreementText: Option[String], signatories: Seq[String], observers: Seq[String], key: Option[api.v1.value.Value]) extends Product with Serializable

    A class representing a Daml contract of specific type (Daml template) with assigned contract ID and agreement text.

    A class representing a Daml contract of specific type (Daml template) with assigned contract ID and agreement text.


    Contract template type parameter.


    Contract ID.


    Contract instance as defined in Daml template (without contractId and agreementText).


    Agreement text. None means that we did not receive the agreementText from the server. Some("") is a valid case, this means that the contract has agreementText set to an empty string or agreement was not defined in Daml, which defaults to an empty string.


    Signatories of the contract as defined in the Daml template


    Observers of the contract, both explicitly as defined in the Daml template and implicitly as choice controllers.


    The value of the key of this contract, if defined by the template.

  2. sealed trait DamlCodecs extends AnyRef
  3. case class DomainCommand(command: Command, template: TemplateCompanion[_]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. abstract class EnumCompanion[T] extends ValueRefCompanion
  5. abstract class EnumRef extends ValueRef
  6. abstract class EventDecoderApi extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait EventDecoderError extends Product with Serializable
  8. sealed abstract class Primitive extends PrimitiveInstances
  9. sealed abstract class PrimitiveInstances extends AnyRef
  10. abstract class Template[+T] extends ValueRef
  11. abstract class TemplateCompanion[T] extends ValueRefCompanion with ViaFields[T]

    Common superclass of template classes' companions.

    Common superclass of template classes' companions.


    The companion class's type. We can get away with this here, but not for ValueRefCompanion, because templates' associated types are guaranteed to have zero tparams.

  12. sealed trait Value[A] extends ValueDecoder[A] with ValueEncoder[A]

    Typeclass of "serializable" types as defined by the LF specification.

    Typeclass of "serializable" types as defined by the LF specification.


    Scala representation for some Daml serializable type. Specialized to match Primitive.

  13. sealed trait ValueDecoder[A] extends DamlCodecs
  14. sealed trait ValueEncoder[-A] extends DamlCodecs
  15. abstract class ValueRef extends Product with Serializable
  16. abstract class ValueRefCompanion extends AnyRef

    Common superclass of record and variant classes' companions.

  17. abstract class VoidValueRef extends ValueRef

Value Members

  1. val Primitive: Primitive
  2. object Compat
  3. object Contract extends Serializable
  4. case object CreateEventToContractMappingError extends EventDecoderError with Product with Serializable
  5. object DamlCodecs extends ValuePrimitiveEncoding[Value]
  6. case object DecoderTableLookupFailure extends EventDecoderError with Product with Serializable
  7. object PrimitiveInstances
  8. object Template extends Serializable
  9. object TemplateCompanion
  10. object Value
  11. object VoidValueRef extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
